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Superfuture passaround book


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  DÃœM said:
Yeah, I mean that's fine with me. but wouldn't it make sense to to eastcoast to westcoast to asia then, right?
  Servo2000 said:
Makes sense to me.
  plongin said:
^^ yeah that's perfect, east coast to west coast to asia.

I am fine with this also. We should really set a start date for this soon. This way we can get a final number of people and the dates for each person should get the book roughly. When I say roughly, I mean about the date that the book should be received and the amount of time the the person should have it.

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  DÃœM said:
corter, if someone can find a suitable book could you make a leather holder/cover/whatever for it?

Also, is AU/NZ being included in this book or the EU edition?

They should be in the Euro book. I think Begs said that he was fine with that. I think that it makes more sense that way, since shipping is going to be hell if we ship it from the east coast.

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  DÃœM said:
What East coast city would be best for it to start in?

Still need a book too.

This is just my suggestion, but why not start it the farthest north we can. From looking at the old sign up list, which needs to be updated, I see the the farthest north that we can we go is Ontario. I say that we start it there and then have it wind it's way south and the back north.

  sidneylo said:
I got a book with a raw denim cover....

This could work. If anything sid, you can start it then send it to whoever gets it next in Ontario and then it's sent south toward the west coast, zig-zaging north to south, ending up where ever the last person is.

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