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School Me: Community College Transfers


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Guest Methimphibian
where i go, there's a ton of older vietnamese people

Man my English 1B class is like 95% fob's, and there's like 2 white dudes, and 1 black person(me) haha. but then again the school is like 85-90% asian.

OP: I'm in my first year of a CC also, I had a 3.5 in high school but I didn't take the SAT and didn't plan on applying to a university because of my fams situation plus there's no point in going to a uni when I didn't even know what I wanted to do for a major, so I hit up a CC to sort of find my bearings. Now I have a pretty solid idea of what I want to do so I'm pursuing it and I think I'll enjoy this major.

Major positive to a CC is the cost, literally it's free to go if you apply with FAFSA, mine cost like $600~ a semester but I get like 3k per semester from the gov't so I'm actually coming up on some nice loot.

Some of the classes are very easy and it's actually the opposite in other classes with insane professors. So make sure you do a bit of research before up with an asshole for a proff.

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anybody here have experience in this area? i'm considering going to a cc for 2 years then transferring to a university. not an issue of grades, more an issue of saving money.

it's a good idea. i went to state university, but from what cc transfers told me--teachers at CCs are there to actually teach rather than primarily focus on research/writing (which brings in grants/money for the uni). and the only problems i heard often were about transfering credits (so save all of your CC class syllabi) and having all of the difficult class requirements concentrated in a few semesters.

oh, and a lot of my non-transfer classmates who wanted to get out early would go to CCs during summer session for gen-eds...it's a really smart way to save money.

...and you may miss out on that college experience you see in the movies--dorming, etc.

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I'm doing this same thing. I didn't feel like dropping tens of thousands on gen ed credits so i'm paying for it out of my pocket in CC (fafsa took my money away, pretty much for no reason). it's the smart way to go and most grades will transfer over unless the program at a 4 year that you're trying to get into has more intense requirements for certain classes. in that case, they're snobs and take it over, it will probably just as easy/hard as CC.

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Guest Methimphibian
ok i 've been spending some time on collegeconfidential. as an international student, i have lower priority in cc to university transfers yes? or is this only the case for CCC - UC's?

Do you live in the US?

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