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Have you ever flown on EL AL ISRAEL?????


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read some opinions on epinions about this airline. i don't know... kinda skeptical but it's the cheapest. supposedly, they are the most secure though as they search through EVERYTHING. it's only a domestic flight between LA - TORONTO. thoughts/testimonies from other superjetsetters?????

"it's just a phase and you know damn well that you'll fall off in a minute cause that shit don't sell"

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nothing wrong with it, securewise.

but from my point of view i wouldnt support an airline which is owned by a zyonistic state promoting state terror. otherwise most US airlines are owned by organizations and people funding israel. i mean whole USA works that way. so theres no escapin it, really. each taxpayers dollar ends up in opressing the palestinian people somehow..

so boycotting wouldnt bother anybody.

otherwise they say boycotting south- africa led the way to the end of apartheid.

i dont know...

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Most secure airline and it is quite renouned world wide for its high security standards. For years there have been armed security agents on board all flights and even armed guards at ticket counters iun countires over seas. Thay have been up holding the hight degree of security long before American and other International carriers where woken up by the tragic events of 9/11. Their airline has been a model to many American airlines. All staff are ex-military and most have pilots have had prior experience as fighter pilots. Basically El Al knows their stuff.

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PHEW! thanks for the testimonies guys! got worried for a bit... but hey i got a flight during the christmas/new years rush for about $373 USD roundtrip. not bad considering the other airlines were quoting at least $500 USD and up. thing is i have to check in at least 3 hours ahead of time so they can go through my bags on special scanners and such.

on another note, are items like snowboard bags subject to extra baggage costs??


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nothing wrong with it, securewise.

but from my point of view i wouldnt support an airline which is owned by a zyonistic state promoting state terror. otherwise most US airlines are owned by organizations and people funding israel. i mean whole USA works that way. so theres no escapin it, really. each taxpayers dollar ends up in opressing the palestinian people somehow..

so boycotting wouldnt bother anybody.

otherwise they say boycotting south- africa led the way to the end of apartheid.

i dont know...

--- Original message by juxtaposed on Sep 9, 2005 07:29 AM

i agree
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from what I heard EL AL does a lot of questioning of its passengers.

If you are Jewish it is pretty painless..just a few questions.

If you are non-jewish white then about 10-25 different questions that can be pretty personal. Who are you visiting? why? how long you know your friends? can we call them?

non white non jewish passengers get even more grilling.

They can be super cheap from Toronto to LA but just from the standpoint that EL AL flights clear customs in LAX and not in TO like AA and AC makes it a major hassle.


Tom in toronto

hello everyone! love this site, lots of useful information and fun to read. Now live in Toronto but have also lived in Montreal, Prague, Cape Town and Miami.

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Hey Dave,

This summer my entire team travelled via EL Al and it wasnt because of the budgeting it was just done through our agent. The entire world has learned from their secuirity methods as they have set the standards for safety for years upon years. I have travelled with them on 3 occasions and dont believe everything you hear about the questioning and all that, you will have about 10-12 questions and usually they are redundant anyhow. If you seem suspicious then all they will do is keep you for additional questioning and go through your luggage with you.

Boycotting El Al from most countries is almost impossible as they will be the only carrier from certain regions to take you directly into Ben Gurion airport. Additionally to whoever made the prvious comment, Yes! the Jews who run El Al operate in a Nazi like behaviour, what kind of comment was that? If anything fucking Air Canada are the scum of the earth nevermind El Al, Air Canada have to be the worst airline on the face of this earth, what about their service or hospitality?

M. U. F. C.

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