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Minority Revのお客様はご存知、一般にはまだこれから、というブランドは数多くありますが、こちらはその最右翼といえるでしょう。

C-DIEMにいたころはサルトリア、ファットアマノでその名を知られたMaurizio Amadeiが紡ぐm.a+という世界は、今期から靴というアイテムを加えることで、さらに完成の域に近づきました。


ugh, i don't like it.

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Maurizio Amadei He handled some projects in C-DIEM with Maurizio Altieri such as SARTRIA Linea, FATTOAMANO and something more. In 2006, Amadei has left ot strike out his own brand called m.a . He, the man knows everything about the leather, finished all the procedures by hand. On this season the theme of the brand is 'Golden Ratio'.

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Maurizio Amadei He handled some projects in C-DIEM with Maurizio Altieri such as SARTRIA Linea, FATTOAMANO and something more. In 2006, Amadei has left ot strike out his own brand called m.a . He, the man knows everything about the leather, finished all the procedures by hand. On this season the theme of the brand is 'Golden Ratio'.

where'd you get this handy piece of information?

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Hey guys, i need a favour from you guys. I would like to know anywhere in melbourne that carries a good amount of tsubi/ksubi at a reasonable price or having sales now as online is retailing the one i'm looking for for almost 265aud or more.

I'm looking at these two pair for my gf in us 0:



and i have a friend who is living in Melbourne atm who's able to hook me up so yeah, i just need some address for him.

last thing, any stores that stocks material boy and CON as well? thanks

anyone else has afew stores in melb that carry wide range of Tsubi jeans in mind?

help me out thx!

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part of the reason yeah. need the cash for other stuff too haha.

the only Julius leather I have now (that I plan to keep) is the moto collar rider from fixed. don't think I'll ever be selling that one anytime soon though ;)

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Melbourne! I've got a survey for the Australians on Superfuture, to figure out what you do with your money. I'm not collecting any personal details; no names, emails or IPs, but if you could spare a few minutes to answer some questions about what you wear, drop me a PM and I'll slip you some +rep!

Fashion and Shopping Census

Also, thanks to you guys in Melbourne that have already completed the survey =)

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