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SOS Philosophy (help needed)


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For Q1) I would strongly suggest comparing and contrasting Kant's deontology, with Mill's utilitarianism. I would contrast the principle of utility (mill) and Kant's Categorical Imperative as to why one should be moral. Underline the obvious differences, such as the principle of utility says that an action is moral based on its consequences (produce the greatest utility for the greatest number) , while with Kant I would focus on the first CI --> must will that your maxim be universally applied (something to this effect, I havn't read his work in a while). Next, contrast them in terms of their determinancy, one will give you an action to do based on the utility calculus, while the other may be inderterminate (Kant--> conflicting duties)

In comparing them, go over how they both start from an impartial standpoint etc etc etc..

Good luck! (Is this for an Intro course?)

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