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Chucks....clown shoes?....


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you mean the chuck taylor's? converse? the converse give off a narrow style look to it, personally, I like with jeans so as long as the shoe looks porportional to you body not to long then I guess its fine.

I love the leather converse high uber duber!!!

-don't hate, appreciate-

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Yo. Dude like the other guy said in the previous thread. Shut the fuck up. Your posts are retarded.

--- Original message by djrajio on Aug 23, 2005 09:00 AM

when was the last time you had something informative to say, if your just gonna be on this board to bitch to others about their useless ness justpack up and leave

the more straight leg your jean is the more clownish the chucks seem to look, maybe it is because there is no flare or bootcut to cover up the shoe and you really see the funyn shape of the shoe.


Edited by Corbin Law on Aug 23, 2005 at 06:09 PM

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thanks for the info.. hm i guess for the price... i could take the risk of seeing if i look good in them or not... i kinda went through this personal debate' with my van's and now.. well they're heaven sent' .... oh .... and thanks for tackling djrajio's in-depth critique'....

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