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Best Feelings, Ever


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- Taking a leak that I've been holding in for a really long time

- Walking home after passing an exam with flying colours

- Driving to get breakfast early in the morning and knowing there is nothing that needs to be done that day

- Getting off after a week of going without

- The first drink after opening a can of cold anything

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- landing a trick and riding away

- cocaine

- raw sex

- making music

- laying in bed with someone

- eating proper seasoned food

- eating food when high

- 69

- cracking your neck/back

- 160 mph

- Shooting an AK47

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3:00 am downtown spokane dog walking sessions

2:30 am wet vagina touching sessions

7:30 am pow day sessions

5:30 pm successful jaywalk sessions

11:30 am "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum" "don't let me cum"

then you cum sessions

3:30 pm 2 hour long crate digging sessions

1:30 am seeing people dance to your music sessions

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When you can't get someone off your mind because you're so excited to see them again

Playing the drums by myself

The anticipation building up to go on vacation

Walking into my basement in late April and breathing in the cool, musty scent that lets me know summer is near

Discovering a song that you find yourself looping for the next few days

Eating a lot of delicious food

no homo, some sappy shit up in thur

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- a good nap

- neck/back cracking (i also appreciate a good jaw, knee and elbow cracking but those are rare)

- feeling that im actually finished a piece of work

- opening a new book/cd/piece of printed matter and taking a big whiff

- laying in bed with someone

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- Waking up on your own accord (no alarm clock) and actually feeling refreshed.

- That first breath of fresh air in the morning.

- Zoning out to music at 3am.

- Actually seeing the mark of that exam you aced.

- Getting rep.

yes, agreed.

-First cut into a fresh sheet of paper

cannot say i agree. i guess i'm one of those guys that worry if the edge is fucked up, the world's gonna become flat or something.

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- Finding an awesome bargain / exactly what you want in the supermarket

- Feeling like your outfit is better then anyone around you

- Performing on stage - and getting applauded (nothing really comes close to this)

- Reading that acceptance letter that probably changed your life (er...could be worse too I suppose)

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in my book, it's waking up at 12:30pm, getting dressed to go get some food, and knowing you ain't got shit to do that day

Yea I pretty much never wake up before noon anymore unless I have to. But damn that early morning air smells fREESHH

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When you get home after it's really cold out, and your freezing and take a hot shower, but then like five minutes in your shitty water heater stops and the water turns freezing cold and your in the middle of conditioning your hair so you rinse it out and get out of the shower and your shivering your ass off and then you remember that you just put a whole bunch of towels in the dryer and you take one out and its sooo warm.

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