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Sci-Fi / Horror Movies

Guest DUM

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  the owl said:
The Hunger


The Kingdom (Danish TV mini-series)

Burnt Offerings

The Wicker Man

Dust Devil

The Thing

Dog Soldiers

Rosemary's Baby

The Serpent and The Rainbow


I Spit On Your Grave


would rep if i could. that movie is my steez.

for tv shows, a little on the campy side, but Doctor Who

So heres some more:

Heavy Metal & Heavy Metal 2000 (animated)

Beyond the Wall of Sleep

House of 1000 Corpses/Devil's Rejects

To All a Good Night

Black Christmas (original)

My Bloody Valentine

It Came from the Black Lagoon




Robot Carnival

American Werewolf in London/Paris

4D Man

Cube (1,2,3)

Johnny Pneumonic

Tank Girl

Cabin Fever

Horror Express

theres a few more. i think a bunch are outta print though, you have to look pretty deep.

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oh, oh i know

how about some japanese cyberpunk? deliciously twisted with an auteurist flair:

shinya tsukamoto --- tetsuo

shozin fukui --- rubber's lover

almost anything by takashi miike from the 90's.

not japanese:

david cronenberg --- the brood (dont eat before), eXistenZ

david lynch --- lost highway, dune

nicholas roeg --- the man who fell to earth

spielberg --- clost encounters of the third kind

of course the alien quadrilogy

jean luc godard --- alphaville (its the ultimate crossover: a detective sci-fi film noir made by the essential french new wave director)


if you can find THX 1138, it's a pre-star wars george lucas student film with francis ford coppola producing when they were graduating film school. featuring young robert duvall in a spectacular dystopian future. gorgeous subtle style.

k i'll stop now.

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almost forgot, the new korean stuff is so underrated too:

oldboy of course

the host (although it's kinda long)

save the green planet (watched it the other day and i got so into it. it's so schizophrenic and the dark humor is beyond anything i've seen in japanese stuff. great writing, acting, beautiful shots, fucked up and strangely cathartic imagery etc.)

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Dog Soldiers, I saw trailers for that when I lived in England...never saw it I dont think, good then? I'll check for it.

Finally watched Blade Runner. I'll slowly start watching the titles that stick out to me.

Thanks, guys.

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  • 3 weeks later...

updating the list:

Resident Evil Series their corny, the first one is amazing, the rest are pretty bad, but they do the trick every time


12 Monkey's

Flight of the Living Dead

King of Zombies (old school, 1941)

Pink Flamingos


Time Bandits

Jabberwocky (awful, but amazing at the same time)

The Deathmaster

David Lynch's The Grandmother (animated short film)

Fangs of the Living Dead

I Eat Your Skin aka Zombies

all of these can be found on that site i sent you DUM... enjoy

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  jeepster said:
i know its a spoof.. but anyone see Murder Party yet?

im thinking of dling it. funny/shitty?

oh omc, congrats on your 5000.. or soon to be.

im going to see murder party next week i think? im incredibly excited.

i dont know if anyone else reading this thread is from toronto but the after dark film festival is this weekend/next week, and theres a whole bunch of sweet horror flicks screening.


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How come nobody mentioned delicatesen?

Peter jackson hillarious flicks like dead alive / brain dead http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=5640393486914787334 or even Bad Taste http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=-2142914746966891639

A clockwork orange?

For sci/fi I recommend i.k.u. 2000.

Then there are the really good flicks like..

Mark of the astro zombies.


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  napoleon said:
How come nobody mentioned delicatesen?

Peter jackson hillarious flicks like dead alive / brain dead http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=5640393486914787334 or even Bad Taste http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=-2142914746966891639

A clockwork orange?

i mentioned all the old school peter jackson shit pages ago lad.. and clockwork has been mentioned a bunch of times.

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  napoleon said:
How come nobody mentioned delicatesen?

Peter jackson hillarious flicks like dead alive / brain dead http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=5640393486914787334 or even Bad Taste http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=-2142914746966891639

A clockwork orange?

For sci/fi I recommend i.k.u. 2000.

Then there are the really good flicks like..

Mark of the astro zombies.


can delicatesen be considered sci-fi/horror??

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I can't believe forgot UNDEAD from 2003... if only for the true blue copper swearing his head off.

  jeepster said:
i mentioned all the old school peter jackson shit pages ago lad.. and clockwork has been mentioned a bunch of times.

I just noticed ddml and a couple of others mentioned the bearded fella. But I've had a look through the thread again and I still can't see clockwork mentioned.

I noticed you put up an interesting site up earlier there tiger so here's something for people with a bit of patience. http://www.dead-donkey.com for horror and its sister http://scifi.dead-donkey.com has a decent list of scifi and scifi horror flicks.. lotsa B grade stuff.

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