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Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger, can I take your order?

jake snake

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Looks like he's trying to tell whats thoughts are exactly on the tiny little hamburgers minds.......


Hold them close and they will whisper dark secrets into your ears about pickles and mustard......

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Guest StuckOnStupid

you people are either idiots, stupid fools, foolish idiots, stupid fucking gaylords, or gay idiot morons if you do not recognize that HAMBURGER: THE MOTION PICTURE is the ONLY hamburger-centric film to be worthy of praise. This 1986 comedic blockbuster about a crew of misfits, nerds, and sex-crazed ne'er-do-wells who enroll in Busterburger University is pretty much a comedy CLASSIC. It features all the standard teen sex romp devisces...a feindishly cruel dean, his freakishly large-breasted nympho wife, even a magical secret sauce that either makes people really horny, gives them psychic powers, or makes them fart with the power of dynamite....i cant remember which.


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Guest jmatsu
you people are either idiots, stupid fools, foolish idiots, stupid fucking gaylords, or gay idiot morons if you do not recognize that HAMBURGER: THE MOTION PICTURE is the ONLY hamburger-centric film to be worthy of praise. QUOTE]

this movie was a stellar classic. it actually made eating out a bitch in a resturant under a table seem cool.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
i am from india, so i know good hambrug. this is vry bad hambrug. plz understand, i am from indian so i know vry good hamburg, which y i know it bag bamgurg

you top duh curry and/or ghee on ur bumburhg? isnt moo moos sakred 2 u or sumsing, can u splain to me how u reconcile, i want learn more bettar about ur kulture... but u had me foold, i thought u from djibouti or sumsing.

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Guest supernoob

I am from Mumbai, so I know a good hamburger. Stand does not have good hamburgers. Not a good value at all. Although fresh, the classic burger was very bland, and not worth the 10 dollars I spent on it. My 5 dollar blackberry soda, however, was quite delicious. I would not recommend coming here, 20 dollars can be spent somewhere better.

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Guest supernoob

I am from Mumbai, so I know what authentic bbq tastes like. And let me tell you, Hill Country is as authentic as you will find in New York City. The pork spare ribs are to die for. The moist brisket is delicious. Only thing I would change about this place is the ordering system, makes no sense. Overall, I love this place, makes me feel like I am back home in Mumbai.

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Guest supernoob

I am from Mumbai, so I know good Djibouti. And let me tell you, haptronic is as authentic as you will find in New York City. The +++Supreme. 19CM. VANZZZ are to die for. The Dior is delicious. Only thing I would change about this place is the hype shooz, makes no sense. Overall, I love this place, makes me feel like I am back home in Djibouti.

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