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Parisien Hen Night

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Hello lovely people,

I have the formidable task of organising a fab hen night for 8 friends in Paris - going in August, not huge budget, but am looking for good steers for

Restaurants / Bistro's (special treats and budget stretchers)

Night's Out

The unusual and different...

Am thinking of booking Hotel L'Amour - anyone have any experience / stories about it? Sounds fun and very good value...

Wondered about visiting couturier or whether to get a guided tour of a gallery too? Need something in the day a bit of a mission ... into clothes, music, beautiful things...

Any pointers received with grateful thanks!

Becks x

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Ah... yes, thanks Dad.

Erm not generally - but in this case yes, all our boys have their own plans. We can hang out and talk A Nin in private...

So, you ever been?

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depending on what you like, Palais De Tokyo might be worth checking out. the exhibitions aren't huge, but pretty interesting/odd. the bookstore there is nice and the restaurant there is pretty good. nothing exceptional, but a nice place to grab something to eat, atmoshpere and the place itself is pretty cool.

I liked kong, which is both a restaurant and nightclub, so you can move to the bar after dinner. seems like some people haven't liked it that much, but I had nothing to complain about. they speak english well so reserving a table isn't a problem.

Andy Wahloo is apparently a nice night spot, haven't been there myself but heard good things.

check here:




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  • 2 weeks later...

Paris is wonderful in august, but usually pretty quiet : French people usually take their holidays between july 15 & aug. 15.

Andy Wahloo is nice, but actually quite small & closes at 2.00 [at least on week days].

you may be interested in some of the parties we're throwing [depending on the music & type of venues you like]:


contact me [ideally through that myspace profile] a week in advance, I'll let you know what we're doing & what's happening in Paris, generally speaking.


PS - I also posted a few hints [shops, restaurants, venues...] here a while ago :



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