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I guess GAP decided to jump on the bandwagon...


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I stumbled across this last night.

'Design Editions' by Doo.Ri, Thakoon, and Rodarte. It appears that they've all designed variations of a white shirt. Most of them are pretty boring (as expected), but some are pretty cool. I ordered the v-neck shirt with the attached scarf, and the horizontal pleated shirt (which, imo, looks very dh-ish). The pricepoints are still quite low...

hopefully they team up with more designers in the future, and do something more interesting... not just have them to put their own spin on a pair of khakis, or some shit.

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these were originally supposed to be capsule collections, if i'm remembering the press release that came out ages ago correctly. this is much more interesting, albeit, still right up GAP's alley.

the two shirts you ordered are very, very neat- some of the others are okay, but as you said, this seems to just be GAP attempting to capitalize on the trend without actually putting themselves out there much.

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yeah i saw this in the window at the flagship store on Michigan Ave here in Chicago.

i walked by and i was like.."wait, this is GAP." and they had all these models with names like Thakoon, Rodarte above them.

be interesting to see if they do any collabos with men's designers.

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they did those roland mouret shirt dresses in england a little bit ago that were a bit blah if i recall. some of these are pretty nice, particularly the thakoon ones.

rodarte can suck my balls. the fat one can suck on the slightly bigger one.

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they did those roland mouret shirt dresses in england a little bit ago that were a bit blah if i recall. some of these are pretty nice, particularly the thakoon ones.

rodarte can suck my balls. the fat one can suck on the slightly bigger one.

the fat one is kind of cute, actually.

oh wait, is that why she gets the bigger nut?

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you obviously don't know chris.

again please refer to above.

haha, i love that we've come to a point where its unreasonable to wonder why men are shopping for womens clothes and bragging about it on the internet :rolleyes:

I love that we've come to the point where people use the car they drive as their username and like to criticize other people about bragging.

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