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I'm a late adopter; help me jump on the metallic shoes bandwagon!


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The destroyed look of these is pretty good... I go back and forth thinking about pulling mine off the market.


would you explain how and what part of your silver astros got destroyed?

i have a pair i wore only a couple times and the most trouble it's giving me is right above the soles where the material meets them. little tears and such. similar damage??

minor right now, but i haven't worn them since i got them for mad cheep at seven (the artelier scandal...).

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i'm not going to wear mine a lot. At least not to work so only on weekends and in nicer weather. They should last some time. Always wanted black ones but so many people wear black patents sneakers in ny and I couldn't do it.

off subject, but i heard that cps are like the new converse or vans hi in nyc...

that b true?

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from what i read, the silver part just chips off. doctorworm said he has no rips. i think there was a picture on sz and the dude only had very little silver left. they just looked like beat up black ones.

i havent' worn them out that much, but i can see the silver getting fucked up at the creases.

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jmatsu, I haven't even worn my silver ones yet; I have so far only worn the blue ones.

I saw a pic of some that were delaminating, probably the same one polishmike saw on sz. wasn't a real detailed pic but it looks like big chunks of the silver had fallen away and turned dark grey. like tarnished metal.

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off subject, but i heard that cps are like the new converse or vans hi in nyc...

that b true?

i think it's just starting. i don't see them a lot on streetwear crowd but more workwear/styleforum boring types. i still didn't see anyone in nylon boots (which i'm wearing a lot) but many achilles. to be honest i see way more people in rick owens kicks.

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Going a bit off topic don't you think?

the hate is warranted because the raf astros have been posted in many a thread in the past. your original comment implies that you've known about them for a while, yet you post them here then finally and admittingly come to the realization that they are the shoes people have been talking about. shit doesn't add up/u contradict yourself. your bitchasspirations to walk amongst men in this forum is just annoying. just stop posting for while until you can come up with material that is of any worth.

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