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Carpe, Dior, Poell and Linea Up On Ebay!


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Hi guys, I put a number of pieces up on ebay. Making room for some incoming items!

Feel free to make me offers via here or via ebay! No reasonable offer turned down.

Great opportunity to pick up ridiculously expensive pieces for much much less.


It may take a few hours for everything to show up... about 7 pieces in all.



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For the Linea piece, there's a photo of a SF/SZ member wearing it as posted on SZ:


Really lovely construction. Surprising really!

As for the size 1 LMaltieri jacket, the extended sleeves kinda ruch up on the forearms and a tad over the hands if you want them to. Think of them as sort of arm warmers. Unfortunately I couldn't find someone to model them. I've tried on a Lmaltieri jacket with the same design in the past and the look is really quite awesome!

Chim, I don't know how drastic is drastic ;) but drop me an offer and we can go from there?




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