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I lived there for a while:

Petaling Street (Chinatown) -

one of the best fake goods markets in the world, tons of Nikes, DVDs, amazing watches; well worth it.

Times Square Shopping Center -

the most insane mall (and biggest) in Southeast Asia, I think it is 11 stories tall...with an indoor rollercoaster, etc. Has an entire floor dedicated to teenagers with stores selling Bape, etc.

Suria KLCC -

The finest shopping in KL; Chanel, Gucci, etc. all housed in a gorgeous mall at the base of the Petronas Towers. Has a massive outdoor garden surrounding it, parks, etc. very nice.

One word of advice though; save the actual Gucci/Prada/etc. stores, almost every shop carries fake stuff, I mean that you cannot buy a real DVD ANYWHERE in the entire country; I challenge you to find one legitimate store selling them. For instance, I bought a copy of Pokemon on Gameboy NEXT DOOR to Gucci at a beautiful high-tech video/electronics store only to find out two days later it was fake (needless to say I got my money back and they apologized), they assumed I would never be able to tell it was fake; so keep an eye out. Anyway, KL is a blast, the major nightlife district for us gaijin is around Jalan Sultan Ismail and Jalan P. Ramlee; you can walk around here and see a shitload of bars/clubs; hard rock cafe is VERY popular there.....

thats it..

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Quote: ANYWHERE in the entire country; I challenge you to find one legitimate store selling them

Actually, there's one in KLCC if I recall correctly. Bit hard to find though.

Reporter: "What do you think about western civilization?"

Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."

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  • 10 months later...

Hi, started a new thread due to the last one being abused by angry angry sfers. I've been to KL last december and found nothing much at all. I've looked through the list at supercities and wonder if there's any new shops to check out? For you info, i would be staying at the Royale Bintang next monday. Would not have much time to shop since i'm on a basketball trip. Any great shops to look at near that hotel? (not bape, stussy and that kind) Would be great if there's a shop selling pointed shoes though. Last but not least i'm male. : )

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Shopping in KL is pretty average. Basically, all there is is:

- Suria KLCC - Huge modern mall with top fashion brands like Gucci, Chanel, etc. etc.

- Times Square mall - Enormous mall, lots of fake stuff, but many great shops

- Petaling Street (Chinatown) for excellent fakes.......

For an amazing and very well-priced dress shoe/boot store, visit PLAL:

135 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, GPO Box 10435, Kuala Lumpur 50712, Malaysia


Alot of folks in the U.S., particularly the folks over at Styleforum, order from them as their prices are excellent.

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  • 2 months later...
  test said:
Hi, started a new thread due to the last one being abused by angry angry sfers. I've been to KL last december and found nothing much at all. I've looked through the list at supercities and wonder if there's any new shops to check out? For you info, i would be staying at the Royale Bintang next monday. Would not have much time to shop since i'm on a basketball trip. Any great shops to look at near that hotel? (not bape, stussy and that kind) Would be great if there's a shop selling pointed shoes though. Last but not least i'm male. : )

test: i am curious. which thread was it that had all the angry angry SF'ers?

anyway i guess you are back from your trip, and u must have been disappointed to find nothing new in kuala lumpur. KL is rather backward in terms of shopping and

style. The only place you can find pointy shoes would be in Sungai Wang near Royale Bintang, where most of the fashion forward crowd are. Sad to say, most of

this crowd are of the 'salon' variety if you get my drift, and most of the stuff they get are either of poorer construction or fakes. I remember seeing some fake Swears when I got back to KL, and that is the closest thing to pointy shoes that I encountered.

englandmj: I am surprised that the Brits and the Americans know about P.Lal. I myself have not been there. Always thought it was a shop for the old fogies, based on the way they advertised. But as I begin to appreciate well made clothing, I think it's time I gave the shop a visit. Any brands worth looking out for?

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can't remember which one, it was a long time ago. yeah malaysia was disappointing in terms of shopping, absolutely nothing there! however the food there was amazing. we just kept ordering stingrays and oh luak(oyster omelette) and that damn bloody sweet strawberry ice, ooh heaven.

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  test said:
can't remember which one, it was a long time ago. yeah malaysia was disappointing in terms of shopping, absolutely nothing there! however the food there was amazing. we just kept ordering stingrays and oh luak(oyster omelette) and that damn bloody sweet strawberry ice, ooh heaven.

Dont forget lobsters, chilli crabs, sambal squid etc.

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With such a high exchange with foreign currency, it's not surprising that international brands never make it to Malaysian shores.

Earning a Malaysian paycheck will distance you away from high fashion labels, while the local affordable stuff are quite....unimaginative. Hence the argument you were talking about in the previous KL shopping thread (about local "streetwear" brand Radioactive).

I end up buying nothing most of the time I go out shopping.

But I enjoy the food too. :D It's good that you encountered places with genuine food and avoided the tourist traps which are common near the hotel you stay in.

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beast: we didn't order those, didn't see the rest, or maybe i was too engrossed with the stingrays placed outside.

doubletaps: yeah, i know your situation. it's bad you guys have so little to shop from. the food makes up for it though. Singapore's quite nearby, although we don't that many shops compared to other countries, we do have a decent variety of shops! fellow sufuers will be more than happy to bring you about.

edit: btw, there's a great singapore sale going on, till 5th july or something, can't remember.

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  test said:
beast: we didn't order those, didn't see the rest, or maybe i was too engrossed with the stingrays placed outside. .

I think most joints have the food kept with shaved ice infront of you, and you just point and tell them how you want it done. Otherwise the menus have pictures as well.

Damn! First time I seen Tiger prawns which are humongous. Half the size of a normal sized fish.

In Taiwan, they even keep large live green frogs in tanks. One joint even kept a huge live Orang Utang on a birdcage like stand, not cage. Its not edible of course and knowing their strengths, best not to best with it.

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test: singapore definitely has better shopping, after all i do check the "denim in Singapore" and the WAYWT thread. If only I knew about the thread before making my trip down to Singapore last year! Didn't see any of the shops you guys mentioned here, cos I only spent my time in Orchard Rd where many brands were the same as in KL. Wish I could go down for the Singapore Sale, if only I had the time and much more money. And the Lawn's having a sale this month...

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  • 6 months later...

unfortunately, no.

premium jeans of the superfuture kind do not exist in KL.

That said, you could try The Gardens in MidValley and Pavillion Bukit Bintang.

The Gardens MidValley:

Bittersweet for Bauhaus(?) and cheap Cheap Mondays

Bread + Butter for Evisu,True Religion, 7FAM and the like

Levi's Flagship for LVC

Pavillion Bukit Bintang:

Parkson for Earnest Sewn, Cheap Monday, Mavi(?)

Tangs for Bread+Butter stuff, Lee, Edwin

Don't depend on KL for ur selvage. Come for the food instead :D

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malaysia is probably one of the worst places to shop for fashion-related (especially the sufu kind - non-existent). teh majority have pretty poor style like cheap local streetwear imitating those of brands like quiksilver, volcom except in done in a bad way. typical teenagers are starting to get into those colorful bape hoodie style along with da 'wu tang' or 'eninem' brand baggy jeans or evisu's..

only shoppable places would be those common worldwide chains Zara, topman etc.

if u do find those rare items, its either way expensive or way cheap (fake)

tourists mainly visit KL for the cheap fake goods :D (watches, pl®ada/guccy(i) bags, awesome US$1 dvds/games) but usually its for the food...in this case, one of the best places for it.

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Pavillion has helped put KL one step closer to cosmopolitan shopping.

There are another 99 steps to go, though.

That said, the place looks great, it's fcking huge, well lit and spaced out. And there's a great 'food republic' that serves J.Co donuts. :D

Strangely, there weren't any music stores opening in this mall though. Probably a reminder of the grim future for the music industry.

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Visited places suggested above

Pavillion, Suria KLCC, and The gardens

damachee was right.. the only stores i bought stuff from so far were zara and topman


The gardens however.. Levis didn't have any LVCs, either that or the people working at the store had no idea cause they were like "LVCs?" and i couldnt find any.. asked two different people at the reception and they had no idea what store was bread + butter :(

Are the edwins here the same as elsewhere? some leather tags look exact but they look somewhat dodgy.. was an actual Edwin store too

anyone know where to check out True Religions?

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  isami said:
Are the edwins here the same as elsewhere? some leather tags look exact but they look somewhat dodgy.. was an actual Edwin store too

hi, my impression when visiting that store last year is that it's legit but they sell a completely different Edwin line to any other store outside Malaysia... i found some of their cuts to be pretty suss, like tapered waists and really high front rises. even the other non-denim clothing there didn't look up to par compared to the japanese Edwin line. i'm heading over there soon, hopefully it won't be as disappointing this time.

how's the stock at topman? was it old season stock or did it pretty much resemble the online store now (since i was gonna check out the black coated skinnies)

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just checked out the online website

yeap most things on the site look familiar to what ive been looking at or have bought.. could look out for those black skinnies the next time i walk past another store

edit: found those black coated skinniese u were talking about.. cost RM230 if im right.. or was it RM130.. think it was RM230

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  isami said:
Visited places suggested above

Pavillion, Suria KLCC, and The gardens

damachee was right.. the only stores i bought stuff from so far were zara and topman


The gardens however.. Levis didn't have any LVCs, either that or the people working at the store had no idea cause they were like "LVCs?" and i couldnt find any.. asked two different people at the reception and they had no idea what store was bread + butter :(

Are the edwins here the same as elsewhere? some leather tags look exact but they look somewhat dodgy.. was an actual Edwin store too

anyone know where to check out True Religions?

Hmm strange...I saw some LVC's retailing at about rm970 at the Levi's Flagship

Don't depend too much on Malaysian sales assistants. Unlike sales people in other countries, ours know nothing about the clothes that they are selling even less about international fashion. They are mainly airheads who think they are automatically cool just because of the free clothing they wear from the company they work for.

And I guess the people at the reception were complete idiots too. Bread+Butter is on the Ground Floor of the Gardens. It's at one end of the complex near the escalators, I cant remember which end. There's also a Bread+Butter outlet inside Tangs Departmental store in Pavillion. Bread+Butter stocks True Religion the last time I checked.

Check the Lee's and Edwins only inside places like Bread+Butter. The inexpensive Lee's and Edwins you get in shopping centres are the "made under license" Malaysian ones. The cutting is horrible and out of date. Clothes are badly made, and of inferior material. They cater to the lower income group.

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  isami said:
Visited places suggested above

Pavillion, Suria KLCC, and The gardens

damachee was right.. the only stores i bought stuff from so far were zara and topman


The gardens however.. Levis didn't have any LVCs, either that or the people working at the store had no idea cause they were like "LVCs?" and i couldnt find any.. asked two different people at the reception and they had no idea what store was bread + butter :(

Are the edwins here the same as elsewhere? some leather tags look exact but they look somewhat dodgy.. was an actual Edwin store too

anyone know where to check out True Religions?

Hmm strange...I saw some LVC's retailing at about rm970 at the Levi's Flagship

Don't depend too much on Malaysian sales assistants. Unlike sales people in other countries, ours know nothing about the clothes that they are selling even less about international fashion. They are mainly airheads who think they are automatically cool just because of the free clothing they wear from the company they work for.

And I guess the people at the reception were complete idiots too. Bread+Butter is on the Ground Floor of the Gardens. It's at one end of the complex near the escalators, I cant remember which end. There's also a Bread+Butter outlet inside Tangs Departmental store in Pavillion. Bread+Butter stocks True Religion the last time I checked.

Check the Lee's and Edwins only inside places like Bread+Butter. The inexpensive Lee's and Edwins you get in shopping centres are the "made under license" Malaysian ones. The cutting is horrible and out of date. Clothes are badly made, and of inferior material. They cater to the lower income group.

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