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Deadstock or new?


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Are these very good condition old Evisu or are they indeed new? I don't know japanese but I thought they would be fun to share and they carry quite a pricetag at nearly 600$, so here you go.

My old ones with Arcuates doesn't have such skewed arcuates. Information, blanc0, geowu... anyone? ;)

EDIT: Including these as well, my arcuates look more like these:


Denim Fanatism�.

The Arc - Hitting the selvage from August 1st 2005.

frogeyes: "dontcare, who cares."


Edited by skecr8r on May 11, 2005 at 11:53 AM

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Other than the novelty factor and the fact that it's hand made, I'm not impressed. How could you make a pair of pants with belt loops, back buckle AND suspender buttons at the same time? It just seems like these jeans try too hard. Traditionalists, and I claim to be one, would laugh so hard our pants would fall off. You either have belt loops OR suspender buttons, not both. The buckle is acceptable w/ belt loops, but I would prefer to have one or the other here as well. So, there are three ways to keep the pants up. Choose one!

Thanks for sharing.

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