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Indie-Dance/Electro/Neu-Rave/Disco/House Music: We Are Your Friends.


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hard... eff that noize it's gonna be a kiddie burnout raver reunion

i want to make some sort of remark encouraging you to step off the electro wiseguy high horse...but its definitely becoming more real to me every time im at one of these pseudo massives. the trend is obvious: less and less going for the music, more and more going for the drugs, the excuse to dress like an idiot and the justification to make a facebook status about it.

then again on a matter of convenience, there are a shit load of acts worth checking out all compiled into one night. been waiting to see sebastian for a few years now.


fake blood posted this link on his twitter along with the words "Hmm. Seems I have new songs on the way..."


REALLY digging all three tracks. sounds like a nice melding of his usual antics with some house drum patterns. i like this whole more house-centric electrohouse movement thats a-comin'.

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i want to make some sort of remark encouraging you to step off the electro wiseguy high horse...but its definitely becoming more real to me every time im at one of these pseudo massives. the trend is obvious: less and less going for the music, more and more going for the drugs, the excuse to dress like an idiot and the justification to make a facebook status about it.

then again on a matter of convenience, there are a shit load of acts worth checking out all compiled into one night. been waiting to see sebastian for a few years now.

don't get me wrong, I like the acts and would love to see them. just not for 55-70 bucks and not around a bunch of raver kids.




but it's soooooo easy to take piano chord samples and make a nice riff.


brodinski x noob- peanuts club in 256k

http://www.mediafire.com/?t2uztohzkzg get it before they take this down

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just peeped designer drugs new single, kind of a step in a slightly different direction, more melodic and spacey, might be my fav. they've done to date

Their agent keeps talking about how he wants them to go pop. Like super poppy. I'll check it when I get to work.

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Ok this will be the last time I plug this thing :) We're playing our first 'real' live show tomorrow at BEMF at 9:40pm. Live drummer and everything! Woooord :D Hope to see maybe a few of you there.

Info here: http://www.brooklynvegan.com/archives/2009/08/brooklyn_electr_1.html

*shameless plug*

Also we're releasing our Little Wildkat single on Monday w/ a few rad remixes :)

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damn so what happened? people just getting too rowdy?

i didn't go but from what i can gather it was wayyy overpacked. the fire marshall shut it down because the fire lanes were blocked with mass amounts of people and kids were jumping off rails trying to get in the main stage. riot police came to break up the party

should've held it at the shrine..

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Anyone else see Boys Noize at central park today?

yea he killed it. i was surprised he used CDs (no laptop) instead of serato or ableton

and yea, those kids were reckless over at Hard, people jumping off balconies and stuff, check out this link (from HRO):http://blogs.laweekly.com/westcoastsound/news/lapd-and-swat-shut-down-hard-s/

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HARD was retarded..the venue was way too small. By the time I got in I caught the last song crystal castles played (the last song of the night). Then they said the fire marshal was not gonna let the show keep going until everyone sat. And as we sat the police marched in with riot gear and tear gas. And shut down the venue and the street arresting people and breaking up people coming down and trying to dance still. Was complete chaos, I didn't get to dance a step!

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