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street art in tokyo


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anyone know any good spots in tokyo for street art ?

seen some bits around by faile/neckface/london police etc but looking for more to treat my eyes to.

anyone know if any of the old banksy stuff is still round ?

anyone know any good local street artists / writers ?

any galleries / stores around holding decent graf / street art expo's ?

many questions

thanks for any answers

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Ha hah. Street art? Don't you mean vandalism?

Thankfully, there is not much graffiti in Tokyo in comparison to London, NYC, etc. One thing that really pissed me off is that most of the tags I saw in Tokyo were from artists such as Neckface, etc. If the Japanese are respectful enough to not fuck up their cities with shitty spray-paint then I have no idea where foreign "artists" get the idea that it is OK to do so.

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