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Looking for New Japanese LVC 1947 501's


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Does anyone out there know where to buy New Japanese LVC 1947 501's?

I found a couple of pairs made in the US but I think the denim is a bit different quality. I'm looking for pre-soaked 34x32, or 34xwhatever long length (I can have them altered). I recently came across a japanese pair and love them! I would really love to find more. Please write back if you know somewhere to buy. I'm in the US.


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Hey Denim Phenom, have you ordered from Rakuten direct? Did you have to pay customs fees with they delivery?

Depends on the country you live in and which shipping method they use to send to you as well as how they fill out the customs claim form. If they ship anything other than nationalized postal service (eg: fedex, dhl, etc) then you may have to pay brokerage charges instead of customs duty. Most companies don't like breaking the law, which means if they are shipping you merchandise then they will mark the customs form accordingly which means you may be levied duty. I also happen to know that if you insure a package through the same service as you ship it (as opposed to buying separately via something like u-pic.com) then the most you can ever collect from an insurance claim is the amount declared so keep that in mind.

Do you happen to live in canada? :)

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lol Yes sir i do, and I'm really lovin those Levi's so im looking at my options for getting a pair. Thanks for all that info, I appreciate it.

Canadian customs agents are run by card-carrying nazis. You're going to have to pay customs if you order stuff from outside canada dude. And it's illegal to try and cheat by asking a company to underdeclare or lie about the type of goods you're receiving. Just accept it. Or move to the US? :)

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I bought a pair of '47's at the Levi's across from Bloomingdales uptown in NYC last Spring, then bought another pair of '47's from the Levi's store in Shibuya a couple months later and I swear they were exactly the same. And I'm REALLY anal about denim quality, and I have been burned in the past by LVC (several years ago, I bought a pair of LVC '33 bucklebacks in Berlin that were made from the crappiest denim). The current batch of domestic distribution 47's are good - I eBayed my Shibuya 47's and have been wearing my domestic 47's off and on until October, then every day after October, washing them a couple weeks ago for the first time, and I'm very happy with them.

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Canada customs is fine, as long as people as willing to mark the package value down. I've bought plenty of stuff from other countries and rarely had to pay tax. I've never had to pay duty at all, even when the package value wasn't marked down, just tax. It also doesn't have to be marked a gift to pay no duty/tax. Just ask that they put something like "clothes", "pants", etc. and it'll be fine.

And it may be illegal to ask a company to mark the value down but its about the equivilant of jaywalking. I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble for it, or turning it down when asked. For the record I've bought from Rakuten (not this store, though) and they were fine with marking down the value and I paid no duty.

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