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Digital SLRs?


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thinking about trading in/selling my 300D and upgrading to a 450D - anyone done this? i assume that there is an appreciable difference, but would it be worth the price difference?

actually, i have no idea what a used 300D would go for... anyone have an estimate?

i dont think this upgrade is worth it. go for a 30d or a 40d?

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I've been wondering about this lately. I don't take a lot of pictures with my K100D because of the fact that it eats through the batteries like a mother. I was wondering, what are some good rechargeable batteries? My camera takes AA batteries and I'm thinking about taking a ride up to Ritz Camera tomorrow afternoon and seeing what the have to offer in the way of rechargeable AA and a case, because as of right now, my camera is sitting unprotected out in the opened.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Nikon D60 is in stock at some shops... still trying to decide between that and the XSi... can anyone give me some opinions? the only feature that's swaying me towards the Canon is the 9 point auto-focus. does 9 points versus 3 points really matter all that much? i've handled the D40 and the XTi, and I like the feel of the Nikon better... So I've basically made up my mind for the D40 but I'm still not positive. Little help? Thanks.

this is super late, but heres my take.

i went from a canon xt to a nikon d40 simply because it felt better in my hands, also the nikon was just easier to handle all around. focus points dont matter *that much, just need to know how to frame your shots. ive used the d40 for sports and 3 points isnt terrible. i havent seen the xsi, but if its like the xti itll probably feel cheap. that screen looks amazing though.

the d60 will handle basically the same as the d40/x i cant speak for its image quality but from my experience out of camera images from the d40 just KILLED whatever i got from my canon.

dont get too caught up with the megapixel count. be honest with yourself how many of your pictures will be blowing up larger than 8 x 12?

having said that, i think you might grow out of a d40 faster than you would the xsi, also the lack of inbody motor might turn you off, cuz it really does limit the amount of lens choices you have, basically youre stuck with af-s lenses, but alot of 3rd party manufacturers are doing their own version, otherwise youre gonna be doing alot of manul focusing...

i love my d40 but im picking up a d2h next week to mess around with. (getting it for under $500, not bad not bad)

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from first hand experience yes the nikon kit lens waaay better thanthe canon offering, but i also had the 17-85 IS on my rebel, its not just because of the lens, imho the nikon just took better pictures out the camera. and believe me im far from being a pixel peeper,but even other people noticed a difference in image quality

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gah... buy the one that costs more. there must be a reason why it costs more. then you go and buy a number of lenses on top of your kit lens:

18-50 IS


50mm 1.8

and just in case you REALLY need it

go buy the 50mm 1.4 as well

then buy some really zoomz

get some macro lenses

oh and a fisheye!

Then buy a 5D because it's more awesomeerz for wide angle


does anyone know of an online resource that explains different lenses??? for instance, what's the difference between a 50mm 1.4 and a 50mm 1.8?

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thanks, i found that too. i need to learn more before i can understand most of that stuff.

yeah i think you should just figure out what youre doing with what you have before you go dropping a ton of money on stuff whether its lenses or bodies. like mentioned before the kit lens is pretty decent on the nikon.

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can anyone recommend a good photography forum to learn about dslr options and eventually about actual photography?

also, does anyone have any thoughts on the new D60 vs. the D40?


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yeah i think you should just figure out what youre doing with what you have before you go dropping a ton of money on stuff whether its lenses or bodies. like mentioned before the kit lens is pretty decent on the nikon.

yeah, i know. i have no intention of buying another lense now... just want to know what ppl are talkin about.

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i am about to get a rebel xt they are like 500 with a lens. I'm exited. I'm somewhat new to dslr, but have a old film 35mm cannon which takes awesome black and white photos.

and the xti is 600 with a lens

xt is 8 megapix, smaller viewing screen

xti is 10 megapix, bigger viewing screen

I dont fully get image sensors yet but this matters more than megapixels. the better the image sensor the better the quality.

i've heard though as a comparison:

cannon is like a pc

nixxon is like a mac

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I've got a D80, and I'm looking to get a telephoto lens for wildlife shots on a safari, any suggestions??

Do you already own the Nikkor 80-200VR, not really a tele but imo perfect for the job.

You don't wanna be switching lenses all the time in a dry and dusty environment.

big man on campus, i think the first one is a better lens in general.

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