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It is a good day to be an American


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My thoughts on the Don Rumsfeld sacking:

Rummy will be missed by me.

When Bin Laden ordered those planes to be flown into buildings he was

expecting a Clinton-esqe pissweak response from a kind and decent America,

perhaps a couple of cruise missiles? What he got was Rummy, the toughest

motherfucker to ever walk the halls of the Pentagon.

Rummy was the architect of Camp X-Ray, secret overseas torture camps and

tough interrogation techniques such as waterboarding.

When the terrorists switched up to hardball on S11 Rummy and Bush were only

too happy to switch right up with them. The terrorists weren`t expecting


Among the many positive results from this tough guy approach was the

failure of Bin Laden and his agents to successfully pull of even one more

attack against the continental US in 5 years. On more than one occassion

waterboarding SAVED LIVES. Kalid Sheik Mohammed was captured in 2002 and

his interrogation using water boarding led to information that SAVED LIVES.

Now with the Dems set to get rid of these techniques brilliantly installed

by the visionary Don Rumsfeld America looks like it could be vulnerable


Rummy was a new warrior for a new type of War. He didnt live in a fantasy

land where peace and flowers will make us safe, he lived in reality where

tough guys walk.

He will go down in history amongst such tough guys as Yul Brenner, John

Wayne, Charles Bronson, Arnie and Stallone as well as real life tough guys

(yes, they do exist) Paul R Smith, Gary Gordon, Randy Shughart and George

W Bush.

God Bless America and God Bless Don Rumsfeld. You may be needed again

someday soon, Don. When Dem policies dont quite cut it against adversaries

like Bin Laden I`m sure then America will learn its mistake and come back

to you.

At ease Rummy. At ease for now..

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i wish we could have a political area in the forum. i might then become a superjunkie afterall

No you don't, because political topics generally attract idiots on both sides who resort to posting blind rhetoric and stupidity faster than their opponent in a crazy war of attrition.

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Guest jeffvyain

well, for the most part, you're right. but i like entertaining other viewpoints if they're argued logicly. i suppose the whole logic factor goes out the window for the most part when people argue politics, though. i don't disagree with milspex's post above though, for the most part. tactics such as those are completely applaudible in my eyes given the current situation; however, going into iraq is a completely different story, as is starting shit with iran. iranian youth is going to end up solving our problems in that country as it is, unless we fuck it up by stirring up trouble.

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Don Rumsfeld was the only cabinet member to actually lose staff members in the 9/11 attacks. Also the only one to actually go digging through the rubble to help the wounded and find survivors.

Good Rummy quote;

"If I know the answer I'll tell you the answer, and if I don't, I'll just respond, cleverly."

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