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Layer-0 5 pocket pants msrp 1100 going for 199 24 hrs on ebay


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[link to auction](http://www.ebay.com/itm/221724712430?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649)

Layer-0 is the label created by Alessio Zero an Italian designer from Perugia. Alessio has been classically trained as a patternmaker and tailor, which helped him to create beautifully handmade shoes and of course garments.

The leather he uses is waxed, oiled or treated to give unique outcomes. While his use of materials such as denim and canvas are often vintage looking but still remaining modern."

The material is a tent cotton canvas. It's very stiff. The buttons are leather. The pockets feature '3d construction.' The seams feature a 'false stitching' pattern. The waist features some handmade details. The waist tag is made of leather.

These pants were a size 50 and were tailored and hemmed to fit a size 48. Please see pictures for waist, hem, and inseam measurements. The crotch seam was reinforced professionally. It is hardly noticeable. Please refer to the pictures. Other than these alterations, the pants have no defects, no stains, no holes. Any irregularities in color (marbling) is the result of the object dying process (garment is vat dyed after being produced). I would rate them an 8.5/10 (10 being a new pair).

There are two stockists in the U.S. Maxfields in LA and Alan Bilzerian in Boston. These trousers retail for $1100 usd at any of these two locations. Layer-0 as most other truly artisanal brands never goes on sale as the production runs are quite limited (less than a few dozen items are produced each year).

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