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Tokyo Liquor Stores?


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japan is not exactly known for superior alcohol unless mediocre lagers, or sake or shochu are your thing. if you want bottles of sake or shochu or something as gifts, pretty much any liquor store will probably do you right, as well as most department stores. you can also sample the stuff in department stores.

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I'm going to be in Tokyo next week and want to buy a few liqueurs that are only available in Japan. I'm wondering if anyone can recommend any good liquor stores in the cetral Tokyo area?


there are liquor store litteraly everywhere in central tokyo (i lived in shinjuku and there was like 6 within a 5 min walk). department store always have a food supermarket section in their basement and there is always a liquor store there. they usually have a decent selection there so buying good sake or shochu shouldn't be a problem. if you tell me where your hotel is, i can direct to other stores closer to your hotel.

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