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I want to spruce up (no pun intended) my room for college and wanted to know if anyone had any ideas/thoughts on how to make it cooler then the average room.

I am trying to "pimp" it out (pun intended), so hit me with your best ideas!

Winner might get a prize/


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Everything in white. And when I mean everything, I mean EVERYTHING. Not only does it look really fresh and clean, It's less of a distraction for when you want to study. And if you have alot of shoes, I suggest cubbies. That would be ill.

For lighting, I've always been fond of track lights. Something around these lines (no pun intended): 25058_PE035117_S4.jpg

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  Rockn said:
I like those, but how do you install them/where do you get them from?

They're from Ikea, and the transformer just goes on top of a power outlet or a light socket. I had the same ones in my flat in London, although with glass shades instead of the UFO-looking ones.

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  Dr Jonboy said:
They're from Ikea, and the transformer just goes on top of a power outlet or a light socket. I had the same ones in my flat in London, although with glass shades instead of the UFO-looking ones.

Dr. Jonboy,mind sharing any of your place with us? I've seen bits of it in some of your picture posts, particularly your Eames chair, I have a feeling your place is sick....

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we should probably do a "post your flat" topic!

oh adont get track lights / halogens from Ikea, the quality is (Surprisingly) pretty bad. I'm sure you can simple models from any lighting store and bigger hardware stores that have home stuff like that.

I like a really simple interior, all my walls are white and I like to bring in color with different objects and stuff. you can do simple cool stuff with old crap, for example you can use old crates or boxes for storage. I have a few wooden fruit crates piled up to store my LP's, and one as a small table next to an armchair.

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  keri said:
paint, painters tape, and movie/band/cool posters in a piet modrian theme for one wall should do you. Black white navy and red bedding.

why so formulaic?

in my opinion, piet mondrian themes are played out.

to get a better idea of how you want your room to be, you should tell us more about you, what do you like?

those tracking lights look very dope, though.

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what's up RockN, it's been a while.

How've you been?

anyway, I agree with those that say do NOT do the piet mondrian (Partridge Family) motif. with you being a creative type, I suggest decorating your space with things that inspire you. you can try putting floating bookshelves all around and put your favorite things on them. Mugs, posters, toys, sneakers, whatever inspires you.

I'm not sure about everyone else, but I spent a lot of my dorm years in my room and it should be a comfortable space. Mine wasn't, as I had to share it with a 6' Child of the Corn, but anyway, make sure you set up some kind of aroma control. Everybody nukes Ramen noodles for breakfast lunch and dinner and after a while that shit stinks.

Use incense or you can buy the battery-powered ones that have the gel re-fills. They worked wonders at my school. we had one kid who smelled so bad, his clothes left him for another person. lastly, don't do track lights, you're not opening a gallery. the lights are harsh and reflect badly on your computer monitor. if you read in bed they hurt your eyes and they collect a shitload of dust. get a cheap floor lamp. enjoy school and keep RockN.

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When I started this thread, I was thinking more along the lines of pimp my room. So, far the only idea's i have gotten from this thread are the rasterbator of an image of michael jordan, track lighting (but screams gay) and maybe a stand up poster of hulk hogan.

Come on guys give me your best stuff! I am talking mood lights, water bed, jacuzzi, cool shelving. I dig the whole art deco/80's/modern look though, so maybe get some neon lights.

My next call is to xibit.

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Decent apartments evolve and can't be rushed but I had an industrial looking apartment for a long while and did it up on a budget ... I made shelving systems and wardrobes from size 4 scaffolding rods and shuttering ply, then scoured thrift and flea markets wherever I went for antique bits and pieces - To this day the Jielde lamps and re-wired bakelite telephone I picked up remain in my flat.

Tastefully paint each room a different colour. Choose curtains or blinds. I have a mixture. Frame some images that you like. Doesn't matter what they're of, but they must be framed and whether or not all in the same manner is up to you. DO NOT tape them to the wall. Buy a painting from an art student somewhere. Books are important and also underrated as a decorative element, but it takes time and sometimes money to build a decent cohesive library. Have a variety of light sources - Buy a decent shade for the main hanging bulb, doesn't have to be expensive ( I have these throughout my place at present http://onefoottaller.com/products/Ethel_Lampshade/ ) and a couple of stylish spot lamps ( if you buy Jielde's buy them on ebay not brand new) then for the low light pick up some plain white christmas lights.

The only thing Ikea is generally good for, is plants. Plants are important. they will make your space. Pick up big Palms or find a decent Cheese plant. Then it's just a question of accesorising with whatever takes your fancy.

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