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Top 5 Most Annoying Subcultures


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Outspoken liberal assholes who bitch about the Bush administration/policies constantly to their equally liberal friends (like myself).

Homophobes / people who use "gay" or "fag" as insults (75% of the world, what?)

Guys who tell me they "want to get a girlfriend" and then bother me with their feelings and trouble relating to every girl we both know.

Really fat and inactive people.

Drug dealers.

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five is too hard

but has anyone said bike messengers yet?

goddamn i hate those motherfuckers

i don't mean everyone who does it for a living - you know the type i'm talking about

fucking hipper than thou fuckers

what really fucking gets me is they act that like they're not buying into mainstream shit - they get off on showing off their fucking tats and piercings and mohawks in office buildings - but they depend on the same fucking corporate paymasters i do for a living

fuck you, you fucking cliched-ass hypocrite motherfuckers

i don't even need to hear the stupid fucking bands you're in to know they fucking suck

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1. Ginos/guidos

2. Goths

3. Japs

4. Hipsters

5. Bikers who have to take the bus in the winter, and still wear their leather outfits. I find them more amusing than annoying though. :D

are they dressed like these guys? they're not just bikers!


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five is too hard

but has anyone said bike messengers yet?

goddamn i hate those motherfuckers

i don't mean everyone who does it for a living - you know the type i'm talking about

fucking hipper than thou fuckers

what really fucking gets me is they act that like they're not buying into mainstream shit - they get off on showing off their fucking tats and piercings and mohawks in office buildings - but they depend on the same fucking corporate paymasters i do for a living

fuck you, you fucking cliched-ass hypocrite motherfuckers

i don't even need to hear the stupid fucking bands you're in to know they fucking suck

Ha-hah! Glad I'm not alone. Some of those kids in Chi are too hung up giving people shit for "working for the man"... but where did they get the cash to tool around on their fixed-gear bikes with no brakes, get tatt'd up, and chug PBR...? Late night they can all be found (as they are almost all guys) staring across the bar at (but not talking to) the groupie chicks who find them hot.

Blech. If that's what you're into, fine. But don't talk trash to me about having a day job.

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