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louis vuitton tee's?

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The plain "IT" tee has no logo. There's another one with a small logo and stripe design for $240. personally I'll never spend more than $50 on a tee, and it's definentley not worth it IMO. For that same amount of money I'd rather get a wallet from them.

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Aye, they do like to warp in the washing machine... so that's why I handwash them :(

Wow, hand washiing AA......

DLH82, I suggest that you go and try on the LV tee, if you really like it and YOU think that it is worth that amount of money to you then I dont think its a waste because if you really enjoy wearing you will def get your money's worth out of it. Everybody has their vices, some here spend ridiculous cash on denim or kicks or whatever, its all the same shit really. Why buy an LV shirt when I can buy an AA for way cheaper? Why buy DH when I can buy cheap monday, etc.


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I dotn get it, I am tough on my shit, I just throw it all in together, with jeans and towels, and I've never had an issue with my AA, It always stays nice in shape and everything, but then again, I dont ever use a dryer, so all of my stuff is sun dired, and that may help it keep it's shape. their polo's are great, cause the collar stays crisp and flat, and if you pop it, you can just hit it with a little starch.... but then again, I'm a little biased :)

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I have a few AA tees, all different colors, and it seems like some colors shrink and get weird, while others are fine. I have a mint green which shrunk big time, while the grey and organic tees only shrunk a little. I also had a baby blue shirt last year and it got weird stains all over it when it went in the dryer. wtf.

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what are they like? do they have a logo on them? is the quality good?

If you really want the best quality white tee, find your favorite fabric and get it bespoke tailored for you, I'm sure it still wouldn't be $180 and there's no blind consumerist guilt-trips associated.

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If you're gonna drop 2 bills on a plain t-shirt, or any t-shirt for that matter, get a Yohji Yamamoto instead. Those tees will last you a lifetime, i'm wearin Yohji tees my dad wore 20 years ago still...

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AA t's lack sophistication in both fit and color palate. but the politics are undeniably good.

Got to ask yourself though: Politics or Propaganda/Marketing?

I mean, consider that Cotton in itself is an extremely unenvironmentally friendly crops... ;)

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