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Nobody vs. Imperial


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which ever one has distribution to U.S.A. Imperial still lagging. I lost interest already..=(

Julian Red Cali 32x32 *USED* 2 1/2 weeks. 130$ shipped -U.S only.

[url=" http://superfuture.com/city/supertalk/index.cfm?page=topic&topicID=11570"] <a href="http://superfuture.com/city/supertalk/index.cfm?page=topic&topicID=11570" target="_blank">http://superfuture.com/city/supertalk/index.cfm?page=topic&topicID=11570</a>

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not familiar w/ nobody, and their site says their current collection is "going to be added soon."

what's their deal?

you will find a lot of people on this board, myself included, vouching for the sheer awesomeness of imperial's jeans, though...

Edited by snugglepony on May 16, 2006 at 01:19 PM

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Nobody is a label based in Melbourne Australia.

They do a raw selvedge jean but it is not common, I've never even seen a pair myself. The most common Nobody jeans are non-dry & non-selvedge jeans in a variety of washes, from a rinsed plain indigo to heavily distressed.

They're pretty popular here, particulalry with girls 'cause the jeans are so damn soft! However they get holes real quick and don't last too long.

I've never tried 'em on 'cause I've never seen a guys jean go below a 30 waist, and I'd need a 28.

I've tried on the Imperial Duke. That shit kills it. However, it's hell annoying that they're pretty much impossible to get around here. Nobody, on the other hand, is readily available in lots of shops.

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further correction...I'm not sure Nobody does raw denim...but they do selvage for sure...


--- Original message by derdankhund on May 16, 2006 04:13 PM

I've never seen a nobody jean that looks like this. Perhaps it's a really old model or something else wierd... I have no idea. But I've never seen a nobody jean that had either the levis-style backpocket stitching or the back cinch.
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yo Chaps, wassup? (where'd that name come from anyway?)

I reckon those "nobody" jeans on ebay are some totally unrelated brand. The branding and the style of the Australian 'nobodys' is totally different.

I think the fits that nobody do are good. I also think the distressing they do is above average. However, similar to Tsubi, I think that the longevity of the jeans (both physically and fashionably) is questionable. They generally look like they'd only last 6 months before you had to buy a new pair. Not so great considering the $200AUD + price tag.

Never tried or seen imperials (get a Melbourne seller dammit!), but everything I've heard re quality and cut has been good news. I'd favour them.

Also a note on the nobody dry selvedge.: I've seen them in stores. From memory they were a one wash. The denim didn't look that great to me...

Keep the Funk alive

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Hey choice, what's crackin. Can't remember where I got the name, just made it up!

I sorta agree about the Nobody/Tsubi comparison. However, I think the one slight advantage Nobody has is the price. It is expensive considering they're likely to rip real quick, but I think they're still less expensive than most Tsubi & Diesel, and definately less than Earnest Sewn. I guess it depends on people's priorities, whether they care about quality, hype, washes, whatever.

But I gotta say the Nobody's do look great on girls. When I used to work at a denim store all the girls wore 'em and they looked real good. Although the all ended up hating on Nobody 'cause they were such low quality for the price, so there ya go...

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Nobody are really horrible. And in reference to teh much hyped Imperial label, I dont care what sort of raw selvedge etc etc they use - they make a very average looking product. I am not impressed at all by what I have seen.

--- Original message by monsieur moose on May 19, 2006 10:35 PM

What type of jeans do you like?
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"horrible" may have been a tad harsh, I dont mean to offend. The Nobody cuts look ok, but thats just it - ok -being the operative word. Technically, the denim and finish on them is pretty average.

For guys jeans - Mjolk are great. They use really nice Italian denim and the cuts are perfect. For me anyway. I also really like the APC denim line (which is unfortunately not readily available in Australia). Acne are nice too and are now available in Australia. I also cant go past a good pair of vintage Levis.

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Mjolk is based in Melbourne but from what I understand began as a label in Sweden some years ago. The designers moved here and brought the label with them. They have a website, you can get a feel for their product there:


I love it. No-one is quite doing what they are doing with menswear here in Australia. Its kinda fun and refreshing. And not in that trashy/glam/Sydney way that Tsubi goes about it. Its sor of daring yet refined. A lot of attention to detail in their cut and finishes. They do make a raw jean in indigo and also black in a few different cuts. They are in some of those stores I mentioned before, FAT, Cactus Jam etc. As for Acne, the jeans are also now at Cactus Jam. Thats the only place I have seen them so far. I tried on the Max cut which were really quite good, but I didnt end up buying them. I prefer my Mjolk jeans.

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Interesting, I might have to check 'em out... although if they're in Catcus Jam I'm guessing they're gunna be pretty pricey.

I still gotta say I really dug the Imperial Duke, but since they're not available down in Melbourne I'ma have to keep checking out other shit.

monsieur moose, if you know off the top of your head would u be able to fill me in on the sorta prices Mjolk and Acne are going for around these parts? Cheers!

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I am suprised Imperial have not made some sort of push in Melbourne yet. Neverthless, this has caused some anticipation for their product.

The Mjolk jeans are $300 and the Acne's were $270 from memory. Cactus Jam is suprisingly not too bad with its pricing of some labels. While I agree that the majority of their stock is very pricey, they have brought is some labels like APC and are selling them for prices comparible with what it they charge overseas. Sheerly because not many people really know of brands like Acne or APC here yet.

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Yo Chaps,

Yeah actually you should check out Mjolk. I hadn't thought of them, but they might just be what you're after. Pretty expensive though...why is that? If they're locally produced (granted that the denim is imported), shouldn't they be little cheaper than $300? They're not selvedge are they? Hmm....still waiting for those imperials.

Re catcus jam: it's funny, most of the stuff they have in there isn't so great, but every now and again you go in and they have some mad shit (like APC) that you can't find anywhere else...strange place.

Keep the Funk alive

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I'm not sure if Mjolk use selvege denim. "Shouldnt they be cheaper than $300?" Unfortunately the answer is not really. Well, not by much anyway. To produce locally in Australia, to a really good standard (i.e Mjolk), is an extremely expensive task. You could achieve the same finish in China, India or eastern Europe for a fraction of the cost.

Yeah I agree about Cactus Jam. Some very average stock. But it is worth the visit for the occassional gem.

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Thanks for the help moose! They might be a tad outta my range, but I might give 'em a look.

And I agree with both of y'all. Cactus Jam is a wierd one. I've never really seen anything too good that I thought warranted the price. Even the APC stuff. Choice picked me up a pair of New Standards for about $170AUD in Japan, and Cactus Jam are trying to sell APC shirts for more than $200... seems a little crazy to me, but I guess that's just the importing markup or whatever, they'd probably boost the prices of APC jeans quite a bit too if they got them in.

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hey guys

im from melbourne too and just wanted to know how much bobby's cuts were selling cheap mondays for?

and acne jeans for $270 that's like super cheap if you ask me! although APCs for $200+ is a tad on the expensive side

i recently bought a pair of tsubi raw selvage jeans in size 30 but they feel huge so hopefully they will shrink after i soak them....as for nobody jeans i don't see a lot of people wearing them.

can i ask if you guys have a list of good places to shop for good jeans. i usually go to dakota 501 in south yarra because that's one of the few places i know that stock evisu jeans. D.inc on little collins used to stock evisu but they closed down recently

also someone mentioned LVCs...where can you get those in melbourne?

finally one more question, is it wrong that i gave into hype and bought a pair of true religions?

don't judge me by my jeans...

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hey guys

im from melbourne too and just wanted to know how much bobby's cuts were selling cheap mondays for?

and acne jeans for $270 that's like super cheap if you ask me! although APCs for $200+ is a tad on the expensive side

i recently bought a pair of tsubi raw selvage jeans in size 30 but they feel huge so hopefully they will shrink after i soak them....as for nobody jeans i don't see a lot of people wearing them.

can i ask if you guys have a list of good places to shop for good jeans. i usually go to dakota 501 in south yarra because that's one of the few places i know that stock evisu jeans. D.inc on little collins used to stock evisu but they closed down recently

also someone mentioned LVCs...where can you get those in melbourne?

finally one more question, is it wrong that i gave into hype and bought a pair of true religions?

--- Original message by ob_solete on May 28, 2006 04:41 AM

Hey bro!

I'd be interested to see those Tsubi raws, could you pls post some pics? I'm not much a fan of tsubi myself, but I've never seen the selvedge ones so I'm curious!

Jean shopping is a bitch in melbourne. I dunno where's good. Pretty much what was mentioned earlier in this thread. And if you ask me, D Inc was a piece of shit... maybe it was good a few years back, but there was nothing good any time I ever went in there. Oh, I think you MIGHT be able to get LVCs at Dakota. I remember seeing them there ages ago, but I dunno if they still do 'em.

I'm surprised you think $270 for acne is super cheap. I've tried to limit myself to max $250 for a pair of jeans, otherwise I dunno if I'll ever stop (a man's gotta eat too!). Convince me why these Acne's are so good (or good for that price)? Why should they be worth my hard-earned cash?

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Oh yeah, and if anyone can be bothered would someone mind giving me a brief cut/fit guide of some acne jeans... maybe compared to some nudie or APC fits. That's be greatly appreciated!

i've searched around the forum but there's too many mentions of acne!

Thanks y'all!

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