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rag & bone vs nudie/gstar/apc


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i am considering grabbing a pair of RAG & BONE RB1 or RB6, and just wanted to clarify a few things before i placed the order.

and yes, i've searched. icon_smile.gif

is anyone able to give some sort of idea how much more/less baggy both the RB1 and RB6 are in comparison to:

NUDIE slim jim

GSTAR ruger straight

APC rescue

if anyone could actually put those 5 jeans into 'bagginess order', that would be great. if you can do that, you may as well make me a drink while you're at it. icon_smile_tongue.gif

thanks, much appreciated!



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I've had the RB6 in 32 and tried on a Nudie Slim Jim in either 32 or 33 (I forget) and the Slim Jims are signifigantly tighter. Don't have any experience with the others though.

There is a measurement thread on styleforum, that could be helpful

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