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Jay Allen - New Design - Cyborg

Jay Allen

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I'll be releasing some new designs over the course of the next month. Here is one for you to comment on. It is called Cyborg....the idea (in my wacked brain) was to rip the skin away.....and find a watery binary code.

The colors don't come through all that well in these images.....but you get the idea.



Conceived and executed on the working waterfront of Portland, Maine. www.jayallen.biz

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Looks good.

I just saw your stuff in Uncle Otis... looks amazing in person. It looks like things are going well for you.

--- Original message by SENDkylHISPASSWORD on Apr 25, 2006 07:20 AM

Thanks....Yes, things are starting to go pretty well. I'm still a ways away from having a "real" business, but am certainly making progress. Quality retailers like Uncle Otis being willing to take a chance on an unknown like me has helped enormously.

Clint and the crew at B Blaze Clothing (Red Bouncy Thing) have done an amazing job of representing my stuff. I'm working on their 3rd order in the last month today. You don't sell that many shirts, of any brand, unless you believe in the product. It's very gratifying to have someone get behind my stuff to that degree.

My initial shippment to Japan, and the 13 stores I have there, should be hitting the racks this week. We'll see what happens.....

Conceived and executed on the working waterfront of Portland, Maine. www.jayallen.biz

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good work with the color....i think the 'code' should bleed all the way to the edges to give it more of that torn away look....

--- Original message by siznam on Apr 26, 2006 01:11 PM

Thanks for the feedback....thats a great point. I think I'll adjust the way I do the graphic. Thanks!

Conceived and executed on the working waterfront of Portland, Maine. www.jayallen.biz

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Yo jay, was that Japanese connect because of POOL 10?

--- Original message by Proletariat on Apr 26, 2006 08:27 PM

This first batch of Japanese stores isn't related to the Pool Show. I got hooked up with them through meeting Daiki Suzuki of Engeneered Garments and Nepenthes. Fok (LA GUY) knew Daiki and introduced my stuff to him. Nepenthes is a sourcing company in Japan that also has retail stores of its own.

I've got another order going to Japan May 10th (about 200 shirts) for another Japanese sourcing company that I met at Pool. I don't know how many stores (or which stores for that matter) those shirts are going to end up in. Pool was pretty good for me. If you are interested in going you should contact Tamara at [email protected] . She is the gal that I showed with as part of a collective. She has reserved a much bigger booth this time and is taking more than 4 designers. She did a great job for me and is easy to work with. If you want to cut the cost of doing a show on your own I would absolutely contact her.

Conceived and executed on the working waterfront of Portland, Maine. www.jayallen.biz

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Thanks Jay, so does this mean you will not be going to POOL in Vegas this August?

--- Original message by Proletariat on Apr 27, 2006 10:40 PM

I honestly don't know if I'm going to do it again or not. It was well worth doing the first time and I probably should go again. It comes down to priorities and resourses. YRB magazine gave me a full page in their May/June issue. It should be hitting the news stands in about a week. If I get any interest from retailers because of that piece.....I probably won't go to Pool. Like you, I'm a one man operation, and am hesitant to hire people and grow my overhead, until I'm SURE I actually have a valid business. If I get more stockist from the YRB article it will probably put me a close to full capacity on production as a one show. It would do no good to go to Pool, write orders, and then not be able to produce the product.

I'm not able to out source anything because of the wacked techniques I use to make my stuff. It HAS to be done in-house. Feel free to give me a call sometime if you want to talk about Pool. I can give you the scoop on how to approach it.

Conceived and executed on the working waterfront of Portland, Maine. www.jayallen.biz

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