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Recommend me a pair of SLIM jeans.


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hey peeps, im thinking of getting a pair of slim jeans. not too skinny. after looking around, im looking at:


2) Nudie SJ

3) Julian Red Cali

4) Imperial Dukes

they can be washed or dry. cus im also currently into my rrds.

dudes who have experience pls help! thanks loads!


Edited by evanism on Mar 31, 2006 at 09:15 AM

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Guest Airjamie

Theres a new brand out of japan called "Searchbutton". I think they call the slimfit model "Please stop remaking this thread for fucks sake if youd just scroll down the page theres about ten of these cause some jackass want to know every slim jean in every fucking color imaginable can we please make this shit a sticky before i flip". Totally selvage too.

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^^ Although he may have been a jerk about it, there really is at least one "slim jeans" thread a daym hell there are even "I need slim black Japanese selvedge" threads each day; it is not hard to search. But for good measure, my favorite slim jeans are: Acne Max Cash (zoovillage.com)

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Washed Imperial dukes don't exist, or at least will not exist in the near future. Only raw dukes for now are in stock.

--- Original message by tweedlesinpink on Mar 31, 2006 09:19 AM

washed imperial dukes do exist, but only in black selvage denim.

--- Original message by nairb49 on Mar 31, 2006 03:48 PM

nope. i have a pair in blue. you can see them on their site, or in this pic on the left:


wanted - spruce/w&h - pm me if you are selling...

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You know, when i said "exist" i did mean "exist in stock". Else there's no point telling him it exists but it's not in stock so no, it's not for sale. I know there're washed/dry models for both Duke and King, but does anyone know if the washed ones are in stock? For sure?

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apart from wholeheartely recommend those search button jeans...

Quote: not as slim as NS or slim jims tho

i found my raw dukes [30] to be slimmer than my APC cure [28], and definately slimmer than the NS , the opening is narrower for a start, i wonder is it a size issue?


Edited by haptronic on Apr 2, 2006 at 01:43 PM

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