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customized cheap mondays -- thoughts?


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before (raw black):





after (gunmetal grey):







i used rit dye remover, water, and some bleach. since the last picture was taken, ive washed them to get rid of the stench. they're somewhat lighter now, and the brown undertones are gone.

Edited by chris on Mar 28, 2006 at 04:22 PM

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i'm not sure how to edit posts yet, so ill just post again.

just some questions, did you just dunk those jeans in the bucket, with the bleach and dye remover? the discolorations seem like you took some care in the process. what's the brown color from?

and the distressing of the jeans, were those from before you dyed them?? how is it that they still remain?

fashion changes, style remains

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you click "edit".

anyways, i had worn them almost every day for about three months prior to this. they just got the point where they were sagging off my ass, and so i decided to fuck around with them (they cost me like, $60 so i didnt care).

i washed them once, and they didnt look much different... they were slightly distressed, but it was only evident in certain lighting. i sanded the back of the knee area a little, and around the knee. then i threw them in a bucket of hot water and rit dye remover. the water turned orange and when i soaked them, the water turned black. i dried them, and nothing really changed, so i threw them in a bucket of half water, half bleach for about 2 minutes. they turned grey, with an orange tinge. after i dried them, they looked mostly grey, but you could still see the brown undertones. they basically looked taupe. i threw them in another bucket of rit dye remover, and the water turned orange again... i left the jeans in longer this time, and after soaking them, i dried them and they came out looking alot less brown (as you can see in the pictures). i wore them around, but the denim smelled like shit and bleach, so i washed them, and threw them in the dryer again. now they're just grey. they're somewhat lighter than the pictures above. i posted a picture of me wearing them in the "what are you wearing today" thread, if you want to see what they look like right now.

i think haptronic said that most black denim naturally has brown undertones. or something. that explains why you can still see some orange in the pictures.

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Guest Fade to Black

They look great...reminiscent of early Dior Homme denim with the murky color and slim fit (I'm thinkin Strip), also has got some Rick Owens feel to it.

Edited by Fade to Black on Mar 28, 2006 at 10:48 PM

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They look really cool! I like how they turned out behind the knees. I think I am gonna do a pair for my GF. What I would do is sand them while on her (or a form) and then rub diluted bleach on the high traffic areas (quickly so it wouldn't fuck up her skin) and then use dye remover at the end. I distresed like 4 pairs of jeans before I made a pair that looked good. Good job with the hole in one!

Carpe Denim! (not the jean brand silly!)


Edited by Serge d Nimes on Mar 29, 2006 at 01:13 AM

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yeah man, those things look awesome. i'd grab a pair of the cheap monday tight black if i could, but im having a hella hard time finding a pair in the right size.

nice work, though.

--- Original message by sbw4224 on Mar 29, 2006 02:14 AM

check caliroots several times a day. they'll randomly get a few pairs back in stock, and if you're quick, sometimes you'll get lucky. i managed to snag the last pair of narrow, raw blacks a while back, a week after they had sold out. at FOUR IN THE MORNING.
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Guest The Diplomatic Aristocrat

Ayo, I'm going to try this out too. Where can I get some raw black cheap mondays in 28 or 27?? I only see one on ebay. Anywhere else?

I'm like the Afrocentric Asian, half-man, half-amazin'

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