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Which Nudie jeans are best??


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regular ralf dry selvage seem to be the most popular, straight sven dry selvage are gaining on them, and slim jim is a consistent third i'd say.

as for "best", thats totally up to you and how they look on you if you're comparing selvage to selvage, i believe its all the same denim, with exception to some of the non-italian made straight sven limited editions.


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Goodluck finding FG. I'd go with SSD. Old FG were awesome but they changed the denim for this final run.

--- Original message by botch on Mar 9, 2006 08:50 PM

on mynudies.com, some ppl got them in the old thick denim. so not all new ones are made of the ola denim
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I'm planning to buy a Baggy Bjorn in Dry. I need 36 leg.

Will they shrink? (I mean significantly)


--- Original message by sneakeraddict on Mar 10, 2006 03:24 PM

I believe most/all Nudies are sanforized, so if they do, it shouldn't be by much.

Then again, I've heard some of their dry stuff shrink upto 10cm apparently.

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I think if you are buying nudies and want the "nudies experience" then you kinda got to go with either the RRDS or the SSDS. I have both and love em.

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