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edc [everyday carry] shaved my wife


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Whittled me a whistle today. Fairly loud. Will be drilling a hole through the back for a lanyard. Its pretty small. Just under 2 inches long and half inch diameter. Only non-hand tool I used was a chop saw to break a tree branch into more manageable segments. I used a Gerber LMF II to baton the branch segments into smaller pieces, the knife pictured and a stanley box cutter to whittle the wood into shape, a 5/16" dowel, elmers glue, Victorinox Camper to saw dowel.

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^They're just Rayban Wayfarer IIs w/ prescription.

is that one of those Zebra compact pens? I had one of those, hated it. Damn cap wouldn't stay attached to the back... it also wrote poorly.

That part bugs the hell out of me. But I'm sort of used to it, but not completely. It gets the job done though, writing out the bill, quick notes, writing my friends phone number on the bill, when he thinks the girl is cute. No idea if he's gotten a call back yet.

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Quick tip for suicidal situations:

1) Always take it seriously, and always call the cops. They would probably get their faster than you could.

2) If you have to break in, break in. A few hundred or whatever dollars or a life?

- If you have to break a door down, kick towards the doorknob. In the movies, they kick anywhere, but that won't work. If you kick towards the doorknob area, you're in.

3) If they did take any pills, force them to drink as much milk as you can shove down their throats. As we all know, the human body cannot digest past a certain amount of milk. It will cause them to throw up everything.

Just a few tips for future references.

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is that one of those Zebra compact pens? I had one of those, hated it. Damn cap wouldn't stay attached to the back... it also wrote poorly.

I use those. I feel like they write fine, but the cap thing can be annoying. I wish the little loop for keychains were made out of metal. Being plastic, it can twist around and eventually break.

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i keep getting asked this on my tumblr, plz help

"I've seen the giant fish hooks that people use to hang their keys/wallet chain/whatever from their belt loops. Where the hell can I find one of these?"

stunt, where'd you get yours? i remember seeing one in stainless too, i think esswhykay had it. any help? thx

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i keep getting asked this on my tumblr, plz help

"I've seen the giant fish hooks that people use to hang their keys/wallet chain/whatever from their belt loops. Where the hell can I find one of these?"

stunt, where'd you get yours? i remember seeing one in stainless too, i think esswhykay had it. any help? thx

Woo, first post:)

I think i know what you're talking about, but I've only seen them here...




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Here is my current EDC.

I had a Tanner Goods Workman wallet and then I switched to my own various attempts at leather goods. Finally, at least for now I've settled with this 10$ cheapo wallet.

I also used to carry a Cold Steel Voyager but I've since given it to my gf. Thinking of getting a new blade, deciding between the Endura/Delica/Manix. Any recommendations?


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Anyone who was after the key hook here: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Vintage-Multiple-FISHHOOK-Type-Motorcycle-Key-Ring-1950-/320587957754?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4aa48805fa

Just email the seller, he has tons in stock, I just emailed and he re-listed one for me.

Just a heads up. Might want to put that on the blog brane?

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