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Spring '06 LVC Collection...

Jim Cissell

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Man, what's with the LVC line again? I see they offer a couple versions of the 1947 model, but even though one is listed as 'deadstock', it is anything but!

I called the Levi's toll-free line to get more specifics, and it appears the deadstock is a pre-distressed jean, but still considered shrink-to-fit. Are they mixed-up on their description, or did they abrade the dry jeans without a post-washing?

The other negative was the inseam lengths are limited again! I wasn't able to get a 36'' length (which I'll need due to the shrink-to-fit situation). The lady said 34'' was the longest they made this year. I even contacted the Levi's store in San Fran and they basixcally said the same thing about the lengths. Gads!

Anyway, I was hoping someone had some more info concerning the 1947s. I really want the true 'deadstock' as I hate the pre-worn-in finishes they seem to lean on any more...


Jim Cissell

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I've seen the new 47's at the Levi's store here in San Francisco. They are true deadstocks (not washed or altered from their raw form) and the denim is nicer than last years run. I have a pair of 1947's deadstocks from last years American line and a pair that I got a couple of months ago from aeroleather and there's a noticable difference in the quality of the denim. The European edition is nicer, and this years American model looks to be made of the same denim.

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Yeah...I had mentioned before that the denim on last year's '47s was noticeably different, at least from previous years...I'm not sure if it's a quality thing though.

anyone seen the 'short horn' denim shirt that's supposed to be out in the states with the spring collection? i have a feeling it's going to be too 'distressed' for me

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Yes - I called the San Fran store as well but they stated the 36'' inseam doesn't seem to be in the cards again this year - at least in the true deadstock offering. They haven't had the longer length delivered so far at all, this season, and I remember the same thing was going on all last year, too - 34'' was the longest.

Oh well, maybe that will change as the season rolls along...



Jim Cissell

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I had a look in Cinch in London yesterday and they have a bunch of LVC stuff - 33, 47, 55 dry as well as some washed 47, 55. Anyway the guy in the store was telling me that the washed stuff (as opposed to dry/raw denim) is now tagged as sized, eg 32x32 is exactly that but that the raw stuff is tagged as it always has been - size before shrinkage. Something to think about if ordering any new season stuff online maybe? I did try a pair of washed 47s on - they were tagged 32x32 which is about my size and they fitted as such although they were a bit tight but that I think is due to the cut.

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