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RRDS at two months - and after losing weight - *sigh*


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Here are some shots of my RRDS after two months of daily wear. They are getting some nice contrast and wear lines, but I still have no real urge to wash them yet. No stink, either.

Here they are on (11 lbs lost since Jan 1 is making them get a little baggier than I'd like...):



Here they are off for more detail:



I'm just hoping for a bit of shrinkage after I wash them, and maybe a trip to the tailor - I don't want to get rid of them!

Edited by Telix on Feb 20, 2006 at 04:57 PM

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I feel your pain man. I got RRDG in a 34, and I can not believe how much they stretched, and then I lost a bit of weight and I feel like they are gigantic. So I got a pair of Slim Jim Dry's, I have only worn them a couple times, and I have read they stretch out even more than greycast. I got the SJ in a 34 too, a 33 you could tell I was circumcised and they are already quite large.

I guess lesson learned for us...buy your Raw nudies like they are painted on. I have to admit, I really did not believe everybody.

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