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neighborhood hat - help wanted


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wondering if anyone can help me locate a neighborhood hat I saw in Singapore (some shop in Far East Plaza on same level as Surrender) that for some reason I didn't buy but now I wish I had. I think it retailed for about 100 Singapore dollars.

It's an oversized beanie type hat, and it was a kind of silvery blue colour.

As I live in the UK I'm probably looking for any online retailers (I can't find any so far) as I'm not likely to be going to Hideout anytime soon and I think thats the only UK retailer?

Any help is much appreciated.

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I am on holiday in Singapore at the moment and if you can find a pic of the beanie on the net send it to me. You can send me the money via Paypal and I will hook you up.

You can save on postage as well as I am back in London in the week starting the 20th so if you can wait till then, it will be cheaper. Otherwise, I can post it to you from here. I know Far East Plaza quite well so I should be able to find it (provided it is still there of course)....

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