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Dont like gap very much but...


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yeah i agree i did lose my temper.. but only because i never asked for opinions on whether someone liked it or not..(especially when someone says hella ugly instead of "its not my thing") i was mereley telling people of the price and whatnot if they were interested in picking up the parka since it is warm and such a good deal right now. As for the diarhhea color comment.. I got it in black and there are more colors than just that one.

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how about ...

fuck ur ugly coat

so what im wearig a gold earring

my face is clean

arn't we decendants from apes?

im givin u my fuckin opion .......... that coat is a ugly peice of shit

go rock ur gay and proud winter jacket... sure your boyfriend will love it u fucking homo

--- Original message by witts on Nov 15, 2005 04:52 PM

haha maybe the ape-like features are more apparent in some people than others.... anyways your face isnt clean so id take a second look or maybe a second wash. I can help you out if you have any questions... i went through puberty once so I know your having a tough time and lashing out on internet forums may be your only escape.

Remember when everyone made fun of your nike chain?? me too. Im not even going to touch the subject of the gold jewelery. You look like a retarded thug in your pic...how many pairs of dunks do you have? go shoot youself or wait for a real black guy to shoot you for your dunks.

--- Original message by deathmulletonfire on Nov 15, 2005 06:17 PM

your the one that lashed out boy . i told u what i thought of the jacket... what did u want me 2 say ... i really like this jacket it looks so warm and cosy... the way it just puffs out and make u look like a fat man is so cool... man im so goin down to my gap to pick one up

--- Original message by witts on Nov 16, 2005 05:12 AM

but wearing jeans that are 20 sizes to big for you and extra large t-shirts makes you look thin? now your just being an idiot and hating parkas in general. go masturbate over some dunks son.
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dude... let it go man.

i wear my jeans low

an my tee's aint XL theyre medium or large.

end of. o an btw ive got 3 pairs of dunks

man thats alot enit !!??!?!!

--- Original message by witts on Nov 16, 2005 03:51 PM

haha its funny when people say "let it go man" when obviously trying to get the last word

"end of. o an btw ive got 3 pairs of dunks

man thats alot enit !!??!?!!"

and as for this... i dont even know what to say man hahaha

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