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Circuit Bending etc.


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does anyone on here circuit bend or do anything electronically. I figured I would start a thread about it see if anyone had any neat projects going on.

here is a circuit i made. It is based off of a circuit i found in a kids toy. From there I bread boarded my options out and hooked up some switched to some of the capacitors and a potentiometer to one of the resistors. I linked them all to a seperate board because there was no room on the existing one. Then i added an three eights jack so it could be transmitted through an amp. This was all reasonably simple, as it may appear in the picture but the outcome was pretty exciting!


Here is a pic of a little performance I did with some other kids who made some circuits for the engineering department at my school.

us getting ready-n9117208_36869157_6969.jpg

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yeah, that shit's tons of fun. I tend to pick up electronics I find thrown away on the curb and take them home to open up. Harvest out parts, re-use them for other projects. I tend to break a lot more than I make though. But I guess that's half the fun.

One of my bands went on tour this past weekend, took a busted computer sound card along as an instrument. Depending on where I poked at it (with even just a wet finger but better with a couple leads off a battery) I could make it blurt out some killer noises.

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whats your band. I know a couple bands that do some pretty cool stuff with circuit bending that they run through like a mixer etc etc. I just find it really exciting because once you learn the basics, the complex stuff is often trial and error, and putting together a serious of those basic things.

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