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Summer Booklist Thread


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Summer is far and away my biggest time for reading. The school year is dominated by class required readings and the like making this time of year the only time I can really get into things. This summer I got some rec's from friends and family and started to make a booklist. So use this thread to post yours, or get ideas for a booklist of your own.

If you've read some of the books on others lists, speek up so you can help them prioritize a bit. My whole list is way too big to post but here are the first bunch that I plan to get in to.

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

Suttree by Cormac McCarthy

Homicide: A Life on the Murder Streets/ The Corner by David Simon

Childhoods End by Arthur C. Clarke

Play it as it Lays by Joan Didion

Foam of the Daze by Boris Vian

Epileptic by David B.

Labyrinths by Jorge Luis Borges

Gig- Americans Talk about Their Jobs

No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai

If anyone can contribute with good translators that would be cool. I plan to read the Pevear/ Volokhonsky version of W&P but don't really know my options for Dazai, Borges and Vian. I hear there are some bad translations of Foam of the Daze, so if anyone has experience with that, input would be appreciated.

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Some good choices on the list. Although for some reason I'd say War and Peace is kind of more a Winter read. Its length can take time away from reading other stuff and besides, reading it when its cold outside somehow gives a more authentic bleak Russia-type vibe.

I'm also planning to read No Longer Human this summer.

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My summer reading is still mostly academic. I need fiction req's.

  • The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom by Yochai Benkler
  • The Future of Life by Edward O. Wilson
  • The Post-American World - Fareed Zakaria
  • How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas By David Bornstein
  • The Raw Shark Texts by Steven Hall

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As of right now, my list is as follows:

American Gods - Neil Gaiman

House of Sand and Fog: Andre Dubas III

Atlantis Found - Clive Cussler

I Am Legend - Richard Matherson

In Hoboken - Christian Bauman

Duma Key - Stephen King

The Book of Other People - Various

The New York Trilogy - Paul Auster

That's it for now. I might add a couple later on if the list gets shorter.

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