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Paying for College


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  • 2 months later...
An EFC of 700 is high for a junior/community college, fucking low for anything else.

I got into a certain private university in California, and it's going to cost me about $53k according to the school. I need to pull out about $7-$8k in loans every year for 2-3 years.

So I will come out of undergrad with $16-24k in debt. With a bullshit liberal arts degree.

Just wanted some opinions of those in or out of school who have dealt with loans and paying them back and what-not.

my sister just graduated la with a debt of 19k. shes paying little by little and her job is giving her about 45k. she'll prolly be in debt for a long time but she makes enough to survive in a small studio apt and on her own.

aim higher wiht a college degree if you dont wanna live in a small place your whole life. (tech jobs like computer programmers / software engineers are raking in high 5 / low 6 figures now)

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im at nyu and i guess i would say the same as everything else, make sure that you file all your fafsa and what not properly, and try for every scholarship that seems remotely attainable. also if it truly is her dream school tell her to work her ass off when she gets there so that she doesnt lose whatever merit based scholarship she gets

the school also does a pretty good job with work study, everyone i know who's wanted a job through the school has gotten one.

and the parents working at the school thing (not applicable to your sister but in general) is ridiculously awesome. the mom of one of my roommates this year worked at the medical center and he basically payed like 5k total. bullsheeet man, cheaper than a city school

edit: also perhaps zidkney row has more expertise on living through nyu?

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  • 3 months later...
come to france, you can drink at 14 or even less depending on how you look, free tuition, close to spain, moutain and stuff, you can go to paris too...


the french uni system is seriously fucked up though, 2 years of slaving away after school to have a chance of getting into a decent college is shit

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I graduated from U of TX with $40k in student loans to pay off. And that's with 1yr of school paid for. My EFC was more than my parent could pay, so I had to get some descent-sized loans.

My girlfriend went through shit. Her EFC was unreal, but her parents couldn't afford it. Long story short, there were many instances where she had less than $20 to her name. It was hard. Very hard. She busted her ass, though. Once she got to grad school, her parents' income no longer mattered and she was finally able to get some finaid.

the financial aid system is horrible. and given that the value of a bachelors degree is deteriorating, lots of folks will soon be in a world of hurt.

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