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Honeymoon on a budget

willy p

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im getting married in june and i would like to plan a honeymoon. i dont have alot to spend (so far only about $2500 saved), but id like to go some place.

we live in panama city beach, florida, so a beach destination isnt necessarily something we want.

so if anybody could help w/ certain cities to check out that would be romantic and fun, yet still affordable, please post up. i havent traveled too much really out of the southeast (besides the family cruises and crap), so i need a little bit of help.

we just want to get away from family, enjoy ourselves, and relax from the usual wedding stresses.

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Look into Buenos Aires/ Montevideo. Cheap airfares from Miami, they're both very pretty, calm and safe, and some of the last places on earth where the dollar goes very far anymore. It'll be early winter down there, very few tourists, super cheap rentals, but still lots to see and do. You'll be able to rent an apartment for about $500, so that leaves you a couple grand to fuck around on as your finances stand now, and you could spend a comfortable month down there on that.

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Other than South America, you could probably do a couple weeks in East Europe at a nice hotel if you got a good deal. There are five star hotels in places like Prague and Budapest that you can get with online deals for like 100 euros a night. Try booking.com. Once you've paid for your flight to the continent, you can use those discount European airlines to get from place to place, and you'll see some majestic cities.

that sounds really interesting but a flight to/from europe would cost thousands for two people... but ill check it out.

thanks for the suggestions... keep em comin :)

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