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that's fucking cool... Hong Kong would be a cool place to be for that length of time. It would be fucking hot there at the moment. Did the same thing this time lat year Vietnam - Hong Kong - Beijing - Shanghai - Tokyo - Osaka - Tokyo...

Yeah man. I'm hoping HK will be beginning to cool by the end of the month. I'm also aiming to drop through Vietnam/Cambodia on my way back south.

Might have to get some tips re. Japan, closer to my arrival..

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yeah sure, I've got a mate that would happily show you round / get drunk with you in Osaka simply becasue I know you from the internet, let me know if you are in that area.

Will almost definitely take you up on the offer tyro - cheers.

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why dont you check out places like this: doesn't have to be the exact brand, just get some sort of leather protector . Basically it should contain beeswax, some oils and shit like that. I bet there would be several types that would be most suitable that are made in australia. Try horse style shops or maybe even furniture shops, basically anywhere that sells lots of leather. Buy a leather conditioner :D

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Guest nightrain

jay el beeswax, the only place i know is at ascot saddlery, their address is 540 racecourse road, flemington. or if u cbf, theres a shop that sell red wing mink oil(i know this is bad choice but im just saying) its located in bourke street near myer, just opposite the road you will see an arcade and theres a leather shop inside it..

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Hmmm thanks jcott, nightrain, will look harder in the city. I walked round checking out Mister Minit and they didn't seem to have anything 'proper.' I'm not famliar with the leater care stuff, I do have mink oil which I've been using on my shoes and wallet, but read that mink oil isn't good for leather after all, wtf. Just googled JM Williams, will try that in Melb Central.

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yep a saddlery is the best place to look. Somewhere that sells RM's is a god bet.

which reminds me, driving to the airport on my way out of Melbourne in Richmond passed a RedWing boots store. Just googled it:


Country & Western Boot Co. Pty. Ltd.

380 Burnley St, Richmond, Melbourne, Australia, 3121

Phone:1800 622 677 | Fax: 03 9427 9881

ABN: 85 005 600 822

amazing, i must check this out when i'm down next..

So that might also be a great place to check out feather..

hope that helps..


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I've been checking the program but haven't gotten my ass out of the house for any of them. There was something on Burroughs and something on Hunter S Thompson (I think) that I was interested in. There was a HK flick called Triangle but it had shit reviews online. They're screening the Evangelion remake at Kino. But I'm planning to catch In Search of a Midnight Kiss today.

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Wear sunglasses and check out chicks, play crazy arcade games on russle (you is asian so they will let you in, they dont like whiteys there so I cant challenge them to super geeettaaaar Heeerrrooooo, or that drum thing?)

nigger that place drains my money i don't wanna go there :(

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speaking of... anyone seen any MIFF yet? I am shit, and was poor so have not. Really wish I had made more of an effort to check out the program before it started. (i say this every year)

need more current releases...seems to me that MIFF is a year late...their showing Ashes of Time Redux though..

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just caught planet bboy today, twas good... catching the whackness on sat, only heard good reviews so far.

i is also have mad rips in my crotch area, where do i go for repair?

pandemonium.. i am going to the school tomorrow.. lol.

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crotch area is generally self-do.

if you hemmed, get a swab and just go crazy back and forth like the ksubi logo.




i am pretty sure tailoring places don't do that shit.

as for school. yeah well i don't know.

just dont' point me out or anything i'm not bboying i quit that shit maybe i'll pick it up when i have free time but probably not.

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Departures & Arrivals

Floor No. 1

3-5 Hosier Lane

Melbourne Victoria Australia 3000

03 966507715


called the number but get a "all circuits are busy now, call again later"

3-5 is some bar called Misty. Couldn't find my way up to L1. Right round the corner is Until Never. And then Movida.

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wrong time of year, i know, but does anyone know where i can pick up some skinny/short shorts on the cheap? ksubi shorts normally do the trick for me, but shit has not hit stores yet..

also, hats (fedoras, trilbys, etc.), other than the place downstairs at flinders st station, where else to kop? i want clean designs, none of that scenester shit fat/gpc is selling.

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aforementioned place at flinders st is very good, and are well-stocked with felt hats currently (being winter and all) - but I'm after lighter / straw hats, which apparently wont be stocked until october-ish.

edit: off-topic - anyone else enjoying the new van she album? has surpassed my expectations..

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