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Guitar Tabs


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Hey guys,

Just picked up an old strat and am getting my first lesson tomorrow!

My teacher said that i could bring along some music that I'd be interested in learning.

Wheres the best place to looking for tabs online? Im mainly interested in muse and strokes songs, are they particularly difficult brands of music to learn?

Also open to any advice you guys have in regards to learning the instrument..

Thanks for the advice.

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theres no specific website that i go to since most of them are geting closed down for copyright issues. i just google "(song name) guitar tabs". or i just buy the hal leonard book and get the tabs for the whole album.

theres easy songs in every genre. just play what you like and it'll make learning easier.

good luck with learning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Practice doesn't make perfect; practice builds muscle memory. That and callouses. Once you've got those things down, you're set.

I don't know what your teacher is telling you to do, but I would practice transitioning these chords until you feel that memory kick in:


Do that a few times and then stop looking at the neck. You'll probably screw up, but you'll know what you're screwing up. Then go back to it. Keep doing this until you can do this flawlessly with your eyes closed. It won't make you great, but it will give you confidence and the ability to play 75% of songs ever written.

Oh and I'm not talking power chords there.

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