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Going to Nagoya, Japan...help!


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So I am travelling to Nagoya, Japan in about 2 weeks with a travel group of sorts. I'm been to Japan twice before (never Nagoya) so I planned out the whole trip...take the train to Tokyo, Osaka, hit up all the stores, etc.

Unfortunately, I got the itinerary yesterday and it seems that I won't have a chance to leave the group...I'll be stuck in Nagoya for the week! Not like that is a bad thing, but I have to idea what is there! Can anybody shed some light for me? Any good shops? Hot spots?

If all else fails, I'm certain that they'll have a Uniqlo and ABC Mart somewhere.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Shit! I'm leaving Wednesday!

Anything guys?

And yes, I used 'search' and read the other Nagoya post. Although it wasn't too specific...If that is all there is then it's cool =)

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wander around sakae, downtown area. you can find some decent stores outside of the dept. stores. although, the department stores aren't bad for a stroll through either. Osu is the shit though. Wander and you can find a Kapital outside of the covered arcade. As well as some Blue Blue shops. There is a Soph (net) back there too as well as Mad Hectic etc.

Also a trip to Higashiyama could lead you to the Cushman's store (Headquarters (don't co. ltd).

i wouldn't say there are no good shops there, i would just say that the city is not as popular with tourists as Tokyo/Osaka so the spots aren't as known and take more digging around to find.

Actually I think Nagoya is my favorite city in Japan, less people speak english, the vibe is a bit chiller. I don't know. Enjoy.

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Yeah lots of good regional food in Nagoya.


Misonikomi udon


Ichigo iri daifuku

I would also agree that Nagoya has its own flavor that is somewhat boring, but isn't completely lacking. Go to Osu-kannon, Yaba cho and Sakae. If you've never been to Japan, these neighborhoods have plenty to grab your attention. If you're truly disappointed, just hop on the train and go to Osaka or Tokyo (both very different places in their own right). If you can, get some takoyaki in Osaka.

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Go to Otsu for a few decent shops, nothing great.

china 5 is a dope restaurant, and all the little restaurants in the sakae/fushimi area are decent.

If you end up clubbing check out The Underground in Shin-Sakae, only decent big club, there's a few sick places around the city but you either have to know someone to get in or really fork it out.

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