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Who works in cool guy/sneaker/fashion retail?


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Don't you have to wear their stuff though? How strict is their dress code?

Employees can wear whatever they want as long as logos of other companies aren't exposed. That goes for shoes too.I don't folow any of the rules for the most part so I wear whatever I want. I remember I got confronted one time by my DM about my Yankee fitted and an Every Time I Die tee with 2 girls making out on the front but thats been the only time.

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  • 4 months later...

yeah free rick owens lambskin jackets, free cdiem boots FREFREFRE etc etc. im not exactly sure why he stopped... possibly because it was a lot of work...he said he used to work on the floor but he didnt really fit the 'all black' look so he started to buy, thats all i know. anways he works for thome brown now...

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Is that a commission-based gig? As in, sell one CCP leather jacket, and you got this months rent?

probably for the sale associates. he worked for another mens store in the village and said he used to get like a 1.5 k commission cheque every month on top of his regular wages. which is preety standard for a high end retail job i would assume. there used to be a lot of discussion on TFS about whats his face (misshapes guy) who used to work at the dior homme boutique in ny and would gross like over 100k in commisions a year or some shit...if u get a job at the right place u can kill it pretty good on comission.

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probably for the sale associates. he worked for another mens store in the village and said he used to get like a 1.5 k commission cheque every month on top of his regular wages. there used to be a lot of discussion on TFS about whats his face (misshapes guy) who used to work at the dior homme boutique in ny and would gross like over 100k in commisions a year or some shit...who u get a job at the right place u can kill it pretty good on comission.

I can only imagine, especially working somewhere in the city that has the reputation/clientele of A or Jeffrey or whatev...

do you have to suck dick to get these positions or is it just a matter of having the right look, ie, the misshapes guy?

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yeah his names jordan he might be a memeber here but i don't think he frequents the fashion forums much anymore. super slick kid though.

as far as sucking dick: i think it kinda depends, in newyork a lot of those jobs arent that big of a deal because they don't pay all that well in ratio to how expensive it is to live there. unless u bang back commission. i know a girl who was a buyer for marc jacobs in ny and i asked her how she got it and her story was:

' i called and asked if they wanted an intern, and they said 'we dont know, weve never had one.' and she said 'well, do you want one.' and they were like 'okay.' and like two months later she was an assitant buyer. and she didn't much fit the look at all. and neither have a background in fashion school wise.

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That's pretty funny. I'm sure buying definitely has a lot of variances in salaries and commissions (if any) and NY sure isn't cheap to live but it's not too outrageous, at least compared to SoCal.

I'm sure it's mostly just all networking. Shit, that's how I've gotten all my jobs.

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That's partially the reason why I left Manhattan, everyone is trying to hustle everyone, and it started to grow tiresome, repetitive and boring. But I shall make my triuphant return soon enough!

me too...sum1 hire me next summer...i'm smart!

Westside, you can be our summer intern. We can only offer your school credit, but will write you a SteLLar rEkoMenDaTioN.

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