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Raw denim VS Treated denim


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naturally worn denim is the best because each jean has so much charector. No two jeans will wear the same. I do however like distressed washes. Some of the companies out there do a good job. The washes need to look nautral. I hate when companies put distressed marks in areas on the denim that would never occur.

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I like the raw denim look but only for a day or so, then I'm ready for the worn jeans again. Of course, naturally worn is preferred, but sometimes it's a bit out of reach. The problem is sticking with one pair long enough to get them really worn in, and then actually liking the wear you get from them.

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i'm with you tyrol. i hate the dry look. i only bought my nudies dry to get the benefit in a years time. truth is, 3 months in, i shamefully gave up and sold them - 3 months and not a mark on them - when you can't wear them every day, its too damn hard. if you get a pair with enough distress so you're happy to wear them out all the time - and then you don't wash them, you can still get very good wear and it looks natural enough.

pre-washed is better for me, but as everyone says, the manufacturers are clueless - massive bleach marks across the knees and backs of legs look like shit.

finding a good pre-washed look is the holy grail for me - i think you dry jeans fiends have it easy. there's loads to choose from. pre-washed, there's nothing, they mostly suck.

anyone know of a quality / pre-wash distress make?

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r2, in my view the 45rpm and Yohji Yamamoto jeans that spotted horsecraft wash are about as realistic as you can get. ££££ though.

I have exactly the saem issue with raw denims - great idea in theory to get the authentic worn in look, just about impossible in practice. I'm trying a different tack with my 44 repros - wearing as much as i Can (which is not everyday) and washing every few weeks rather than minimal washing. I don't really know what this will turn out like, but we'll see.

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funny you mention that - i did something even more shameful (may as well get it all off my chest) - i paid an unemployed mate of mine to wear a pair for 6 months.. worked out quite well.

thanks for the tips, i'll take a look.

if anyone is thinking of speeding up the wearing process (not on quality jeans, but a pair i wasn't much keen on anyway) - i have used a pumice stone followed by a hot wash, and repeated this process, 5 or 6 times. worked perfectly. much better than sandpaper.

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