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Sponge Bob STONED..


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I watched schindler's list for the first time, baked out of my mind. I distinctly remember at a certain part I had the sudden realization that this actually happened... the mj definitely made the whole thing more surreal and helped me become immersed i the whole thing. next up: empire of the sun, BAKED!

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yeah paranoia is something that hits me hard when I'm on the ganj, especially in a social setting. I find myself consumed, wondering if I'm acting okay, if the words I'm speaking are even making any sense... in turn, I act even weirder and I have a hard time getting comfortable. It's not that I'm one of those huge douches that doesn't know how to act and gets all silly, but I just kind of clam up & overanalyze unless I'm with people I'm really comfortable with

nowadays I can relax with some benzodiazepenes in my system, either klonopin or xanax, but the downside is that I get really tired by the end of the day. I've actually sworn myself off drugs (illicit and prescription) until this spring semester is over. need to get good grades son! I don't have the ability to balance work and play.

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