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BTW, I'm looking at a pair of Regular Ralf Dry Selvage. Anyone know how much famousfriends in NYC is charging for them?

Also, I wear a 30" waist in 501XX (after shrinkage), what size should I get in Nudie? I'm thinking about washing them once to for the shrinkage, then hem the length, then wear them for 6-8 months straight before washing again. Good idea?

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Is the 30" the size on the 501XX label or the size that they have now shrunk down to?

For the Nudie RR Drys, just buy your regular waist size. They don't shrink much at all (maybe 3% or less), so you won't really need to pre-shrink them either (although doing a one-wash is OK), just leave maybe an inch or so 'extra' on the hem to compensate for any shrinkage.

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I'm reluctant to recommend sizing, because it's a subjective thing. It depends on how you like to wear your jeans - and also how you have been measuring the waist size of your jeans.

Many (most?) companies measure waist size by laying the jeans flat on a table and measuring straight across the back waistband from one side to another. Then they double the measurement to get the waist size.

You'll find that if you measure the waistband by running a tape measure across the top of the entire waistband then the measurement will be greater, as the front waist dips.

Nudie RR Drys, in my experience, measure true when measured in the first method. ie a pair of jeans that said 30"waist, would accurately measure 15" as a 'half-waist' measurement.

Does that help?

Edited by ringring on Mar 31, 2005 at 10:25 AM

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Dave - thanks man

Yakboy - Louis Boston doesn't carry Nudie, unfortunately. I've been referred by the girl from Stel's to check out Jean Therapy (www.jean-therapy.com) on Comm. Ave. This place sounds like a place for denimaholics, I'll have a look this weekend.

ringring - Do you own any RR Dry? How's the fabric, cut, and overall quality in comparison to the others? i.e. APC, Evisu, LVC, etc.,. Those folks at Nudie seem to be mightily proud of their denim, and I have yet to find a single complaint from any Nudie wearer.

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Yes I have some RR dry. I love the denim. The cut is like the name, 'Regular'. Not too tight, not too loose, not too bootcut. The overall quality is very good and compares well to any selvage brand out there. (Personally I enjoy variety, so it's hard to say if Nudie Drys are better or worse for me than APC, LVC etc).

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I'll chime in on that: I got a nice fade with a pair of dry 501's I bought in 1996. The new ones are a lot worse. A friend of mine has bought a few pairs over the past couple years and he has worn them for several months with no washes - I thought the results were pretty disappointing. They really don't fade the way a pair of premium jeans do. The indigo fades with a lot less contrast, and if you wash them, they lose color very fast.

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