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Anybody notice several CHAMPION OF NONE designs are bites of OJAS joints?

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ojas stuff is crap,what he went to the library and scanned some fuckin martha stewart gardening books and made some pretty letters...wow! how original!

its hot because you say its hot ojas...everyone knows its YOU posting,blowing yourself up....MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPEND A LITTLE TIME MAKING SOMETHING THATS NOT WACK...


Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

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straight up--

ojas has some serious talent. You actually have no idea what you are talking about.

his shit is clever and well designed. For example, the 'concealed weapon' shit (with the guns printed on the inside of the shirt and his oldschool stuff 'offduty cop always working on a case' is pretty dope.

Also, if you didnt know he designs most of the stuff for nom de guerre (their logo, and most of their cut and sew stuff, as far as i understand). He is more than just some graf kid who prints tshirts.

who are YOU to front on him?

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people just love to hate on *everything* in this forum it seems. why?

OJAS and C.O.N are both dope in their own ways, of course some designs might be [too] similar but so what? nothing is 100% unique...almost all street brands make a living out of "borrowing" and recycling old designs and ideas.

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people just love to hate on *everything* in this forum it seems. why?

OJAS and C.O.N are both dope in their own ways, of course some designs might be [too] similar but so what? nothing is 100% unique...almost all street brands make a living out of "borrowing" and recycling old designs and ideas.

--- Original message by sassafras on Apr 3, 2005 07:05 AM

people hate on brands only when it's convenient to do so. granted, there are some legitimate gripes with certain brands being overhyped that fail to meet certain standards, however, the same people that are giving props to whichever brand is hot now will be the same people dissing the same brand a year or two down the road for one reason or another.

the bottom line is, the hate/love shit is all subjective. I hate certain brands and love others. why? personal taste and nothing more. who gives a shit what I like or dislike?

if they move, kill 'em.

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