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!Closet Sale!


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Whats good sufu! I've got a few things i want to sell cause they dont fit me anymore. All prices include shipping( i will ship via USPS priority


for the fastest response, email me at: bryannduong@gmail.com if youre interested


First up is a pair of Ksubi Jeans.  I barely put any wear into these cause i had other jeans to wear in.Still got lots of life. Sz 30


$60 obo



Next up is a pair of Cheap Monday Tight Original Unwashed. Worn but still has more wear in them. sz 30


$30 obo





Next is a pair of April 77 Sinner triumphe. I wore these  only a couple of times so theyre pretty much brand new in terms of life. however, i did sit in gum. sz 29

$60 obo





Next up is a pair of APC New cures that are too small for me so they got very little wear. the crotch has been patched up. sz. 26


$100 obo





Next is a pair of American Apparel Slim Slack in black sz. 30. never worn because my legs are too big


$40 obo




Next is a pair Cheap Monday  tights in coal. worn once. sz 30


50 obo




next is a never worn pair of  Olive Comune pants sz 29


40 obo




lastly is a pair of navy blue slim fit pants from H&M sz 29


20 obo




Also For Sale is a Dior Homme Dress shirt from a few years back. the 24 karet gold insignia has oxidized. worn twice


$65 obo




Also for sale is a pair of H&M x Lanvin Dress shoes. Deadstock, Never worn. sz. 8


150 obo





Grey Topman peacoat size XXS 


100 obo




Heritage 1989 military style jacket sz S 


20 obo




Triumvir M65 jacket with removable hood sz S


50 obo




Thank you for looking! email me at: bryannduong@gmail.com for any questions


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