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APC in San Francisco


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I've never purchased APC jeans before, and I wanted to try some on but where I live, they don't sell them. But I'll be in the Bay Area (for school) in about a month or two, so I'll be able to shop in San Francisco. Now, which store has the largest/best selection of APC jeans in SF? Which stores do you all suggest I go to?

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I was at Rolo Garage about 3 weekends ago and they had a rack of APC half off (was able to pick up a zip up sweater, yay). Don't know if they've got anything left since then. Was at the Rolo in the Castro and they didn't have any APC, but a whole lotta Nice Collective. Was at Azalea too and they definitely do carry APC, but wasn't keepin a lookout for the jeans though.

Off topic, American Rag is having a sale (stopped by today). 50% off a lot of stuff. Rogues Gallery, Perry Ellis, Modern Amusement, a bunch of others. The outerwear rack was cleaned out already, but they had a lot of tees, polos, and l/s shirts still available.

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  • 2 years later...
  pmpacrmb said:
I've never purchased APC jeans before, and I wanted to try some on but where I live, they don't sell them. But I'll be in the Bay Area (for school) in about a month or two, so I'll be able to shop in San Francisco. Now, which store has the largest/best selection of APC jeans in SF? Which stores do you all suggest I go to?

Try Barney's downtown, go to the 5th floor ... c0-op! & while you're there, try on Naked & Famous denim. :D

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